Implement a Pthread like library The Pre-emptive Scheduler. The scheduler is a pre-emptive round robin scheduler which provideseach of the thread a user specified quantum of time to execute.The Main thread is treated just like any other threads and hence it is also queued into the data structure when the gtthread init method is called.The new threads that are created are given a context and stored in the thread Queue from where they are picked and executed by the scheduler.A signal handler is written for SIGVTALRM such that after every quantum period of time the signal is issued and it is handled by the scheduler.The scheduler checks for all the conditions in the Queue and then swapsthe existing thread with the one that needs to be executed next.On gtthreadyieldthe scheduler is invoked by raising SIGVTALRM and hence again the scheduler will take the responsibility of swapping a newprocess in. 3 How to compile the library and Run it
Use the Makefie submitted
Run the command make clean followed by make
The library file generated can be compiled as follows "gcc -I'directory where the .h files are placed' main.c gtthread.a -o output
Prevent Deadlocks in the Dining Philosopher The Dining Philosopher is a problem which exposes both Deadlock and concurrency problem.The Race condition problem due to concurrency is solved by enclosing getting and releasing chopsticks between locks.The deadlock can be exposed when all philosophers acquire one stick and all wait for another hence locked in a forever wait.I solved the deadlock problem by making the philosophers eat only if its left or right is not eating. The philosopher when it enters the EAT sectionit decrements a counter to less than 0 and now when a new philosopher tries to enter it spins on the condition that the counter should be greater than 0. The up function increments this counter again when it is done with the EAT section.So the philosopher spinning on this count is released andit tries to enter the EAT section.The spinning variables are made volatile so that they are fetched everytimeand not optimized by the compiler.