Releases: Parzivail-Modding-Team/GalaxiesParzisStarWarsMod
Releases · Parzivail-Modding-Team/GalaxiesParzisStarWarsMod
PSWG 0.0.46-alpha-1.17.1
- Add mostly-complete Sodium compatability
- Beds no longer explode on Tatooine
- X-Wings now render with "flat" instead of "smooth" shading
- Slowed down X-Wing s-foil animations
- X-Wing cockpit and s-foil animations now start off slowly in addition to slowing at the end
- Prevent Tatooine home doors from crashing when broken
- A hand no longer renders on the A-280's fore grip when an item is in the offhand
Internal changes
- Start researching complex entity hitboxes
PSWG 0.0.45-alpha-1.17.1
- Add blaster overcharging (click during the gold cooling bypass period to prevent heating for a short time, only on the A280 as a proof of concept)
- Add blaster "hold" aiming in addition to "toggle" aiming
- Move old X-Wing model to rigged P3D model and renderer to prep for more complex ship animations and features
- Replace foward muzzle flash static texture with an animation (only on blasters which currently have muzzle flash)
- Dramatically improve X-Wing animation smoothness and reliability
- Stun bolts no longer create scorch marks
- Slugs now correctly create "cold" scorches
Internal changes
- Update to Gradle 7.2
- Start moving model rendering system to P3D
- Remove unnecessary mixins and accessors
- Reduce RAM overhead of blaster data tags
- Simplify blaster and lightsaber datapack network serialization system
PSWG 0.0.44-alpha-1.17.1
- Add sparks, debris, scorch, and smoke particles on blaster impact
- Add blaster muzzle flashes (proof-of-concept, only the A280 for now)
- Add blaster first-person recoil animation
- Slug rifle trails are now opaque and do not waft
- Fixed bug that prevented you from looking around while in a vehicle
- Made blaster impact detection more error-tolerant
- Fix incorrect horizontal recoil
- Blasters now correctly zoom out when scrolling off of them
- Fix broken A280 proof-of-concept hand placement due to datapack loading issue
Internal changes
- Replace zoom framework with more robust LibZoomer implementation
- Start migrating to new model format for blocks and non-mob entities
PSWG 0.0.43-alpha-1.17.1
- Add custom tusken cycler particles
- Implement ion bolts for relevant blasters
- Add X-Wing exterior engine sound
- Add sounds for dc15, ee3, and rk3
- Add hiss sound to blasters bolts if they fly by you instead of impacting
- Add horizontal and vertical recoil to blasters -- unbalanced, datapacks supported
- Moving sounds now simulate the Doppler effect, for maximum nyoom
- Update sounds for a280, bowcaster, dh17, dl44, dlt19, e11, rt97c, se14c, and t21
- Prevent blasters from applying inaccuracy spread when aiming down sights
- Reduce blaster sfx pitch variation
- Disable fall damage for ship passengers in survival
- Fix X-Wing laser firing spawn location
- Fix volume, sample rate, and channels for dl18, cycler, dryfire, ion, reload, and speeder bike blaster sfx
Internal changes
- Add a breaks clause for optifabric because controls break with it
- Update Yarn, Fabric API, Cloth Config, ModMenu, and REI dependencies and integrations
PSWG 0.0.42-alpha-1.17.1
- Add landspeeder spawn item
- Give some blasters separate "burst" timings as proof of concept of burst firing balancing system
- Add proof-of-concept horizontal and vertical spread to the A280
- Improve landspeeder vertical terrain ability without allowing scalingvertical walls
- Update blaster stats for the A280, DH-17, DL-18, DL-44, RT-97C, and T-21 to test using stats from Battlefront
- Fix landspeeder passenger positions (up to 2 people can ride in one!)
- Fix tools being held like items
PSWG 0.0.41-alpha-1.17.1
- Add forced blaster cooling bypass (uses the secondary item action key)
- Add inventory blaster cooldown indicator
- Add proof-of-concept hands to blasters in 1st person (only A280 implemented currently)
- Add water bottle recipe to moisture vaporator
- Give the landspeeder a model
- Improve stun bolt rendering
- Change DC15(a) bolt color to blue
- You now have a movement speed decrease while aiming down blaster sights
- Improve blaster cooling HUD
- Landspeeders now use "boat controls", i.e. rotation is controlled by strafing
- Landspeeder can now accept 2 passengers
- Landspeeder riders can now look around independently of the direction of travel
- Fix lightsaber targeting attack bonus
- Make landspeeders slightly more capable on vertically challenging terrain (hills, etc.)
Internal changes
- Add blaster fore grip hand positioning to blaster datapack JSON format
PSWG 0.0.40-alpha-1.17.1
- Add burst firing to blasters (customizable with the rest of blasters through datapacks)
- Add language entry for blaster deaths
- Allow moisture vaporators to output stacks with NBT data (potions, etc)
- Improve stun energy visual effect
- Improve stun energy movement speed
- Improve blaster first person positioning
- Prevent blasters from flickering FOV when scrolled off and back when ADS
- Prevent lightsabers from glitching when scrolling off an ignited one
- Fix crash on servers when registering blasters
- Fix crash caused by classloading-related issue for ships on servers
Internal changes
- Bump Fabric Loader minimum version to 0.10.0
PSWG 0.0.39-alpha-1.17.1
- REI recipe compatibility added
- Add language file entry for molo flower
- Add blaster firing modes (switch using
by default, not all modes available on all blasters) - Add new blaster firing modes: automatic, semi-automatic, stun, ion (WIP), and slug
- Remove sneak-toggling lightsabers (please use the keybind, by default
) - Lightsabers will now deactivate when they're scrolled away from
- Standardize fish bucket names to follow vanilla convention
- Update textures for dewback omlette, chromium block, thorilide block, crystal, dust and ore, zersium crystal and dust, krayt meat, and tongue of worrt
- Blasters can no longer aim down sights while in your offhand
- Improve worrt jumping mechanics
- Fix japor leaves when using fast graphics
- Fix SCARIF structure generation for multithreaded chunk gen
- Tatooine now correctly has a fixed worldgen decorator seed
- Fix clothing skin applying to character models incorrectly when skins fail to load
- The tusken cycler now properly fires slug bolts
Internal changes
- Blasters are now organized into archetypes which define their capabilities
PSWG 0.0.38-alpha-1.17.1
Patron-only benefits
- Add custom skins for all species in the character customizer
- Add thorilide block
- Add dusts for lommite, thorilide and zersium
- Add zersium crystal
- Add rubindum shard
- Add kelerium ingot
- Add helicite block and dust
- Add new species to the character customizer: Human/near human, Chiss
- Add molo shrub
- Add molo flower
- Add Obi-Wan's lightsaber
- Add Qui-Gon's lightsaber
- Add Anakin's lightsaber
- Add Ezra's padawan lightsaber
- Add Darth Vader's lightsaber
- Allow landspeeders to go over water
- Reduce landspeeders' ability to climb vertical walls
- Allow walls to connect to Tatooine home doors
- Remove zersium rods, raw ore, nuggets and ingots
- Remove lommite nuggets and ingots
- Moved ionite from crystal to metal
- Update corpse of gorg texture
- Update crispy gorg texture
- Update deb-deb texture
- Update krayt pearl texture
- Update krayt tooth texture
- Update roast krayt texture
- Update squill liver texture
- Prevent rolling in a landspeeder
- Update flangth takeout texture
- Your character is now shown in the "None" tab in the character customizer
- Convert even more links to the CurseForge page instead of
- Fix crash when placing large pipe
- Fix connected textures improperly forming interior corners
- Fix blasters not damaging entities
- Fix lightsabers flickering when dropped mid-transition
- Fix species customization GUI clipping and lighting issues
- Fix choppy pitch movement while in a landspeeder
- Fix texture/model issue on Luke's ROTJ hilt
- Fix lightsaber forge hilt rendering
- Fix blaster rendering on the ground
Internal changes
- Implement datapack-driven creative menu hero lightsabers
PSWG 0.0.37-alpha-1.17.1
- Add japor trees to Tatooine oases
- Nonsolid blocks are now waterloggable
- Add lakes to Tatooine oases
- Add mesa mushrooms to Tatooine mushroom mesas
- Re-implement species selection (Chagrians are still broken, sorry!)
- Add language entries for entities that did not have them
- Add blaster aiming-down-sights animation
- Add blaster scope overlay
- Add first draft landspeeder entity without model (
/summon pswg:landspeeder_x34
- Rewrite Tatooine wastes biomes to more closely match Ben Kenobi's landscape
- Rewrite Tatooine canyons biomes to actually resemble canyons
- Reduce height and density of Tatooine dunes
- Made Tatooine mountains less aggressive
- Make japor branches inedible
- Make pourstone easier to ruin
- Make solid "drying" pourstone blocks fall without support
- Update caked salt texture
- Increased Tatooine plant generation size and frequency
- Rearrange biome neighbor generation
- Made Tatooine canyons the same height as Tatooine plateaus
- PSWG update message now uses the CurseForge link
- Improve first person blaster positioning
- Blasters which are aiming down sights now use a smaller mouse sensitivity
- Fix scaling issue on DL-44
- Fix Tatooine plateau floor generation
- Fix Tatooine ambient lighting at night
- Fix Tatooine home door rendering
- Allow japor logs and Tatooine logs burn
- Fix Faa and Laa buckets not actually spawning Faas and Laas, respectively
- Aird Tatooine plants can now actually grow on arid Tatooine blocks
- Tatooine oases are now not totally impossible to find
- Can no longer spawn underground with
- Blasters now have correct language entries
- Fix ship passenger/pilot orientation
- Fix ship pitch/yaw orientation (should fix minimaps freaking out in ships)
- Fix blaster bolt collision handling with blocks
- Fix species selection screen lighting and clipping issues
- Fix blaster texture/model gaps
- Fix unobtainable Tatooine home door controller item incorrectly being registered
Internal changes
- Remove stencil buffer and testing mixins
- Update all PM3D and PR3(r) files to use single precision instead of half precision floats for vertices and UVs
- All language entries, blockstates, and JSON item/block models are handled entirely by the TARKIN datagen system
- Remove obsolete langauge entries, blockstates, item models, and block models