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Introduce EqW class as a wrapper for equalities and add comments to C…
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…CR, congruence and CongruenceCompressor
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AFellner committed May 9, 2014
1 parent dfaec82 commit bcdabb4
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Showing 13 changed files with 786 additions and 686 deletions.
20 changes: 13 additions & 7 deletions src/main/scala/at/logic/skeptik/algorithm/congruence/CCR.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,16 +6,22 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashSet => MSet}
import scala.collection.immutable.{HashSet => ISet}

* Class CCR
* is immutable
* stands for congruence class record - as in Pascal Fontaine's PhD Thesis.
* represents one congruence class
* @param initterm initial term of the CCR
* @param s representative of the CCR (not yet used really)
* @param term set of terms in this congruence class
* @param pred set of terms where some term in this congruence class is an argument
* @param rightNeighbours forgot what I used that for, probably can be removed
class CCR(val initTerm: E, val s: E, val term: Set[E], val pred: Set[E], val rightNeighbours: Set[E]) {
// var s: E = initTerm
// val term: ListBuffer[E] = ListBuffer(initTerm)
// val pred: ListBuffer[E] = ListBuffer()

def this(initTerm: E) = this(initTerm, initTerm, Set(initTerm), Set[E](), Set[E]())

// term.+=(initTerm)

override def toString: String = "["+s.toString+"]" + "{"+term+"}"

//object DummyCCR extends CCR
222 changes: 98 additions & 124 deletions src/main/scala/at/logic/skeptik/algorithm/congruence/Congruence.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,54 +10,52 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.Stack
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

//type pT = Option[PathTree[E,Option[PathTree[E]]]]

//trait recType {
// type X <: PathTree[E,Option[(X,X)]]
// type Z = String

* Class Congruence class is for computing and maintaining the congruence closure of some input equations
* equations can be entered incrementally and on entering an equation CCRs will be created and/or merged
* is immutable
* @param eqReferences Map for keeping track of the objects that represent the equalities between tuples of expressions
* @param find Table for relating terms with their CCR
* @param deduced List of deduced equalities, for which new explanations can be computed on demand
* @param g Graph representing the congruence closure

class Congruence(
val eqReferences: MMap[(E,E),App],
val eqReferences: MMap[(E,E),EqW],
val find: FindTable = new FindTable(),
val sigTable: SignatureTable = new SignatureTable(),
val deduced: Queue[(E,E)] = Queue[(E,E)](),
val g: WGraph[E,EqLabel] = new WGraph[E,EqLabel]()) {

// val find = new FindTable()
// val sigTable = new SignatureTable()
// val eqTriples = new Map[E,(E,E,App)] //this structure is good for comparing to inequalities
//// val transitivityTripples = new
// val deduce1d = Queue[(E,E)]()
// var g = new WGraph[E,Set[App]]()

// def copy =

* the following methods are create new Congruence objects, when one of their parameters is changed
def updateFind(newFind: FindTable) = {
new Congruence(eqReferences, newFind, sigTable,deduced,g)
def updateSigTable(newSigTable: SignatureTable) = {
new Congruence(eqReferences, find, newSigTable,deduced,g)
new Congruence(eqReferences, newFind,deduced,g)
// def updateEqReferences(newEqReferences: MMap[(E,E),App]) = {
// new Congruence(find, sigTable, newEqReferences,deduced,g)
// }

def updateDeduced(newDeduced: Queue[(E,E)]) = {
new Congruence(eqReferences, find, sigTable,newDeduced,g)
new Congruence(eqReferences, find,newDeduced,g)
def updateGraph(newG: WGraph[E,EqLabel]) = {
new Congruence(eqReferences, find, sigTable,deduced,newG)
new Congruence(eqReferences, find,deduced,newG)

def addAll(eqs: List[App]): Congruence = {
eqs.foldLeft(this)({(A,B) => A.addEquality(B)})

* method for adding an equation to the this congruence closure
* calls addNode for both sides of the equality
* calls merge with the two sides
* adds edge labeled with the equality and weight 1 to the graph
* see page 188 in Pascal's work
* @param eq equality to be added represented as an EqW object
* @result new congruence data structure with eq added

def addEquality(eq: App): Congruence = {
val (l,r) = (eq.function.asInstanceOf[App].argument,eq.argument)
def addEquality(eq: EqW): Congruence = {
val (l,r) = (eq.l,eq.r)
val eqRef = eqReferences.update((l,r), eq)
// val c0 = updateEqReferences(eqRef)
val c1 = this.addNode(l)
Expand All @@ -67,17 +65,26 @@ class Congruence(

* method addNode adds a term into the congruence closure structure
* checks the findmap for entry u does nothing when u has an entry
* adds u and all its subterms to the congruence structure
* queries for signature equality and deduces new equalities
* see page 189 in Pascal's work
* @param u expression to add to the structure
* @result new congruence structure with u an its subterms added
//find query creates new CCR before subterms are added
//order matters???
def addNode(u: E): Congruence = {
val uRepr =
uRepr match {
case Some(_) => {
// println("come here when adding " + u)
case None => {
// println("come there when adding " + u)
val c2 =
u match {
case App(v1,v2) => {
Expand All @@ -102,8 +109,7 @@ class Congruence(
val nF = newFind.addPred(v1, u)
val nF2 = nF.addPred(v2, u)
val c4 = c3.updateFind(nF2)
val (finalSig,finalFind) = c4.sigTable.enter(u,c4.find)
Expand All @@ -113,22 +119,47 @@ class Congruence(

def merge(a: E, b: E, eq: Option[App]): Congruence = {
* method for adding lists of equations
def addAll(eqs: List[EqW]): Congruence = {
eqs.foldLeft(this)({(A,B) => A.addEquality(B)})

* merges the CCRs of two by calling union of these terms
* recursively merges deduced equalities of union
* see page 190 in Pascal's work
* @param a,b expression to be merged
* @param eq equality as reason for merge
* @result new congruence structure with CCRs merged
def merge(a: E, b: E, eq: Option[EqW]): Congruence = {
val (nF,aF,bF) = find.queryTwo(a, b)
val c1 = updateFind(nF)
if (aF != bF) {
val (c2, deduced) = c1.union(a,b)
deduced.foldLeft(c2)({(A,B) =>
val d = A.resolveDeduced(B._1, B._2)
// println("Deducing " + B._1 + " = " + B._2 + " in merge")
d.merge(B._1, B._2, None)
else c1

* union actually performs the merge by altering CCRs and the findMap
* calls sigQuery to deduce new equalities
* see page 191 in Pascal's work
* @param u,v expressions which CRRs should be merged
* @res new congruence structure with u,v merged and list of deduced equalities
def union(u: E, v: E): (Congruence,ListBuffer[(E,E)]) = {
// println("union: " + (u,v))
val (nF,a) = find.query(u)
val (nF2,b) = nF.query(v)

Expand All @@ -141,7 +172,6 @@ class Congruence(

val nF6 = remain.term.foldLeft(nF5)({(A,B) => A.update(B, remain)})
val c1 = updateFind(nF6)
// println("after union of " + (u,v) + " their finds: " + (,
val c2 = removeCCR.pred.foldLeft(c1)({(A,B) =>
val s = A.find.sigQuery(B)
s match {
Expand All @@ -150,32 +180,41 @@ class Congruence(
A.addDeduced(B, q)
case None => {
val (finalSig,finalFind) = A.sigTable.enter(B,A.find)

* adds one deduced equality to the Queue of deduced equalities
def addDeduced(u: E, v: E): Congruence = {
// println("adding " + (u,v))

* resolves all queued up equalities by finding an explanation for them in the current graph
def resolveDeducedQueue: Congruence = {
deduced.foldLeft(this)((A,B) => {
// val (pair,newQueue) = A.deduced.dequeue
val c = A.resolveDeduced(B._1,B._2)
// c.updateDeduced(newQueue)
// println("resolving " + B)

* resolves one given equality by finding an explanation for it in the current graph
* and adding an edge labeled with the explanation to the graph
* the weight of the edge is defined as the size of the explanation
* creates a EquationDijkstra object to perform the search
* @res congruence structure with updated graph
def resolveDeduced(u: E, v: E): Congruence = {
val dij = new EquationDijkstra(eqReferences)
// println("resolve deduced: " + (u,v))
u match {
case App(u1,u2) => {
v match {
Expand All @@ -186,19 +225,12 @@ class Congruence(
val path2 =
if (u2 == v2) new EquationTree(u2,None)
else dij(u2,v2,g)

// println("path1: " + path1)
// println("path2: " + path2)
val eq1 = path1.allEqs
val eq2 = path2.allEqs
val eqAll = eq1 union eq2

val weight = eqAll.size
// println("resolve deduce: " + (u,v))
// println("equations: "+ eqAll)
//if (weight > 0) here?
// if (u.t != v.t) println("Types are not the same for " + (u,v))
val x = Eq(u,v,eqReferences)
val x = EqW(u,v)
if (x.toString == "((f2 c_5 c_2) = c_3)" || x.toString == "(c_3 = (f2 c_5 c_2))") println("creating " + x + " when adding an edge to graph")
updateGraph(g.addUndirectedEdge((u,(x,Some(path1,path2)),v), weight))
Expand All @@ -209,80 +241,22 @@ class Congruence(

* queries an EquationDijkstra object for the explanation of the equality of two terms
* @res None if there is no explanation (i.e. the terms are not congruent)
* Some(eqT) where eqT is an EquationTree representing the explanation
def explain(u: E, v: E): Option[EquationTree] = {
// resolveDeduced
val dij = new EquationDijkstra(eqReferences)
// val tmpEq = Eq(u,v)
// val tmpCon = addEquality(tmpEq)
// val realG = tmpCon.g.removeUndirectedEdge((u,(tmpEq,None),v))
val path = dij(u,v,g)
// if (path.isEmpty) {
// println("trying to explain " + (u,v) + " but got empty path")
// (u,v) match {
// case (App(u1,u2),App(v1,v2)) => {
// val p1Opt = explain(u1,v1)
// val p2Opt = explain(u2,v2)
// println("now trying to explain " + (u1,v1) + " result: " + p1Opt)
// println("now trying to explain " + (u2,v2) + " result: " + p2Opt)
// (p1Opt,p2Opt) match {
// case (Some(p1),Some(p2)) => {
// if (p1.isEmpty || p2.isEmpty) {
// None
// }
// else {
// val end = new EquationTree(v,None)
// val eqTreeEdge = new EqTreeEdgeC(end,(Eq(u,v),Some((p1,p2))))
// Some(new EquationTree(u,Some(eqTreeEdge)))
// }
// }
// case _ => None
// }
// }
// case _ => None
// }
// }
// else Some(path)
if (path.isEmpty) None else Some(path)

* @res returns true iff u and v are congruent in the current congruence structure
def isCongruent(u: E, v: E) = {
find.query(u) == find.query(v)

// def pathTreetoProof(path: EquationTree): Boolean = {
// path.pred match {
// case Some((nextPT,label)) => {
// if (label.size == 1) {
// val eq = label.last
// val (u,v) = (path.v,nextPT.v)
// val (l,r) = (eq.function.asInstanceOf[App].argument,eq.argument)
// val x = (l==u && r == v)|| (l == v && r == u) && pathTreetoProof(nextPT)
// if (!x) println(eq + " is not an equality of " + (u,v))
// else println(eq + " is an equality of " + (u,v))
// x
// }
// else pathTreetoProof(nextPT)
// }
// case None => true
// }
// }

// def eqTriplesToGraph:WGraph[E,App] = {
// val triples = eqTriples.values
// val (simple,nonSimple) = triples.partition(tr => tr._3 != EmptyEq)
// simple.foreach(tr => {
// g = g.addUndirectedEdge((tr._1,tr._3,tr._2), 1)
// })
// nonSimple.foreach(tr => {
// g = resolve(tr._1,tr._2,g)
// })
// g
// }

// def resolve(tr: (E,E,App), g: WGraph[E,App]): WGraph[E,App] = {
// var g1 = g
// g1
// }

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