Add the dependency:
npm i @paraboly/react-native-media-picker
"@freakycoder/react-native-helpers": ">= 0.1.2",
"react-native-image-crop-picker": ">= 0.26.2",
"react-native-modalize": ">= 2.0.0",
"react-native-vector-icons": ">= 6.6.0",
"react-native-dynamic-vector-icons": ">= 0.2.1",
<string>This allows us to capture and use the the captured photo</string>
<string>This allows us to show/pick a photo from your library</string>
<string>This allows us to show/pick a photo from your library</string>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
import MediaPicker from "@paraboly/react-native-media-picker";
You can check the example :) Put your own logic for galleryOnPress or cameraOnPress both returns the callback of the images.
ref={(ref) => (this.mediaPicker = ref)}
cameraOnPress={(image: any) => {
this.setState({ image });
galleryOnPress={(images: any) => {
image: null,
images: any) => {
return {
uri: image.path,
width: image.width,
height: image.height,
mime: image.mime,
// ? Single Image (Multiple = false)
// this.setState({
// image: {
// uri: image.path,
// width: image.width,
// height: image.height,
// mime: image.mime
// }
// });
Property | Type | Default | Description |
IconComponent | component | Icon | set your own Icon component such as Icon from react-native-vector-icons |
multiple | boolean | true | change the picking media's as single or multiple at once |
cameraText | string | Camera | change the camera button's text |
galleryText | string | Gallery | change the gallery button's text |
backgroundColor | color | #90a1fc | change the modal's background color |
onCameraPress | function | default | set your own logic when camera is on pressed (please check the example) |
onGalleryPress | function | default | set your own logic when gallery is on pressed (please check the example) |
cameraIconName | string | camera | change the camera's icon name |
cameraIconType | string | FontAwesome | change the camera's icon type |
cameraIconColor | color | #fdfdfd | change the camera's icon color |
cameraIconSize | number | 20 | change the camera's icon size |
galleryIconName | string | md-photos | change the gallery's icon name |
galleryIconType | string | Ionicons | change the gallery's icon type |
galleryIconColor | color | #fdfdfd | change the gallery's icon color |
galleryIconSize | number | 20 | change the gallery's icon size |
cameraButtonBackgroundColor | color | #fdfdfd | change the camera button's background color |
galleryButtonBackgroundColor | color | #fdfdfd | change the gallery button's background color |
cameraButtonSize | number | 50 | change the camera button's whole size |
galleryButtonSize | number | 50 | change the gallery button's whole size |
cameraTextColor | color | #fdfdfd | change the camera button's text color |
galleryTextColor | color | #fdfdfd | change the gallery button's text color |
compressImageQuality | number | 0.5 | change the quality of your photo |
onCameraButtonPressed | function | default | set instead of react-native-image-crop-picker library when preesing camera |
onGalleryButtonPressed | function | default | set instead of react-native-image-crop-picker library when preesing gallery |
LICENSE - Write an article about the lib on Medium
FreakyCoder, [email protected]
React Native Media Picker by Paraboly is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.