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Ongoing non-HMM step tracking code addition
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cameron-a-johnson authored and Purg committed Oct 27, 2023
1 parent 5bc78e2 commit d831944
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### Python template
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339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions angel_system/global_step_prediction/
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import yaml
import os
import seaborn as sn
import numpy as np
import kwcoco
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import scipy.ndimage as ndi

def sanitize_str(str_: str):
Convert string to lowercase and emove trailing whitespace and period.
:param str_: Input text
:return: ``str_`` converted to lowercase and stripped of trailing whitespace and period.
:rtype: str
return str_.lower().strip(" .")

def plot_positive_GT_conf_distributions(activity_confs, activity_gt):
For each activity, plot the distribution of confidences when ground
truth indicates that activity is happening.
i.e.: for activity x, for frames in which ground truth = x, plot
the distribution of confidences.
activity_confs: frames x class-wise-confidences. Given a kwcoco
dataset called "coco":
activity_confs = torch.asarray(coco.images().lookup("activity_conf"))
(49K x 25 for coffee val set.)
activity_gt: frames x ground truth activity_id.
Given a kwcoco dataset called "coco":
activity_gt = torch.asarray(coco.images().lookup("activity_gt"))

sns.set_theme(style="white", rc={"axes.facecolor": (0, 0, 0, 0)})

# Get data together
true_confs = [float(activity_confs[i,truth_ind]) for i, truth_ind in enumerate(activity_gt)]
data = {"true_conf":true_confs, "gt":activity_gt}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

false_confs = np.array([[a for i, a in enumerate(act_conf) if i != gt] for act_conf, gt in zip(activity_confs, activity_gt)]).flatten()
false_gt = np.array([[gt for i, a in enumerate(act_conf) if i != gt] for act_conf, gt in zip(activity_confs, activity_gt)]).flatten()
data_opposite = {"true_conf":false_confs, "gt":false_gt}
df_opposite = pd.DataFrame(data_opposite)

def plot(df):
# Initialize the FacetGrid object
pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(10, rot=-.25, light=.7)
g = sns.FacetGrid(df, row="gt", hue="gt", aspect=15, height=.5, palette=pal)

# Draw the densities in a few steps, "true_conf",
bw_adjust=.5, clip_on=False,
fill=True, alpha=1, linewidth=1.5), "true_conf", clip_on=False, color="w", lw=2, bw_adjust=.5)

# passing color=None to refline() uses the hue mapping
g.refline(y=0, linewidth=2, linestyle="-", color=None, clip_on=False)

# Define and use a simple function to label the plot in axes coordinates
def label(x, color, label):
ax = plt.gca()
ax.text(0, .2, label, fontweight="bold", color=color,
ha="left", va="center", transform=ax.transAxes), "true_conf")

# Set the subplots to overlap

# Remove axes details that don't play well with overlap
g.set(yticks=[], ylabel="")
g.despine(bottom=True, left=True)

# save

def bilateralFtr1D(y, sSpatial = 5, sIntensity = 1):
The equation of the bilateral filter is
( dx ^ 2 ) ( dI ^2 )
F = exp (- ----------------- ) * exp (- ------------------- )
( sigma_spatial ^ 2 ) ( sigma_Intensity ^ 2 )
This is a guassian filter!
dx - The 'geometric' distance between the 'center pixel' and the pixel
to sample
dI - The difference between the intensity of the 'center pixel' and
the pixel to sample
sigma_spatial and sigma_Intesity are constants. Higher values mean
that we 'tolerate more' higher value of the distances dx and dI.
Dependencies: numpy, scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d
calc gaussian kernel size as: filterSize = (2 * radius) + 1; radius = floor (2 * sigma_spatial)
y - input data

# gaussian filter and parameters
radius = np.floor (2 * sSpatial)
filterSize = ((2 * radius) + 1)
ftrArray = np.zeros(int(filterSize))
ftrArray[int(radius)] = 1

# Compute the Gaussian filter part of the Bilateral filter
gauss = ndi.gaussian_filter1d(ftrArray, sSpatial)

# 1d data dimensions
width = y.size

# 1d resulting data
ret = np.zeros (width)

for i in range(width):

## To prevent accessing values outside of the array
# The left part of the lookup area, clamped to the boundary
xmin = max(i - radius, 1);
# How many columns were outside the image, on the left?
dxmin = xmin - (i - radius);

# The right part of the lookup area, clamped to the boundary
xmax = min(i + radius, width);
# How many columns were outside the image, on the right?
dxmax = (i + radius) - xmax;

# The actual range of the array we will look at
area = y [int(xmin):int(xmax)]

# The center position
center = y[i]

# The left expression in the bilateral filter equation
# We take only the relevant parts of the matrix of the
# Gaussian weights - we use dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax to
# ignore the parts that are outside the image
expS = gauss[int((1+dxmin)):int((filterSize-dxmax))]

# The right expression in the bilateral filter equation
dy = y [int(xmin):int(xmax)] - y[i]
dIsquare = (dy * dy)
expI = np.exp (- dIsquare / (sIntensity * sIntensity))

# The bilater filter (weights matrix)
F = expI * expS

# Normalized bilateral filter
Fnormalized = F / sum(F)

# Multiply the area by the filter
tempY = y [int(xmin):int(xmax)] * Fnormalized

# The resulting pixel is the sum of all the pixels in
# the area, according to the weights of the filter
# ret(i,j,R) = sum (tempR(:))
ret[i] = sum (tempY)

return ret

def get_average_TP_activations(coco):
# For each activity, given the Ground Truth-specified
# frame subset where that activity is happening, get the
# average activation of that class.

all_activity_ids = np.unique(np.asarray(coco.images().lookup('activity_gt')))
all_vid_ids = np.unique(np.asarray(coco.images().lookup('video_id')))

avg_probs = np.zeros(max(all_activity_ids) + 1)

for activity_id in all_activity_ids:
#image_ids = coco.index.vidid_to_gids[vid_id]
image_ids = [img['id'] for img in coco.videos(video_ids=all_vid_ids).images[0].objs if img['activity_gt'] == activity_id]
sub_dset = coco.subset(gids=image_ids, copy=True)
probs_for_true_inds = np.asarray(
avg_prob = np.mean(probs_for_true_inds)
avg_probs[activity_id] = avg_prob

return avg_probs

config_fn = "config/tasks/task_steps_cofig-recipe-coffee-shortstrings.yaml"
with open(config_fn, "r") as stream:
config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
labels = [sanitize_str(l["description"]) for l in config["steps"]]
steps = config['steps']
if steps[0]['id'] == 1:
config['steps'].insert(0, {'id':0,

coco_val = kwcoco.CocoDataset("model_files/val_activity_preds_epoch40.mscoco.json")
coco_test = kwcoco.CocoDataset("model_files/test_activity_preds.mscoco.json")

image_ids = coco_test.index.vidid_to_gids[3]
video_dset = coco_test.subset(gids=image_ids, copy=True)

# "Training": for each activity class, see what the average "true positive"
# activation was.
avg_probs = get_average_TP_activations(coco_test)
print(f"average_probs = {avg_probs}")

all_vid_ids = np.unique(np.asarray(coco_val.images().lookup('video_id')))

for vid_id in all_vid_ids:
print(f"vid_id {vid_id}")

image_ids = coco_test.index.vidid_to_gids[vid_id]
video_dset = coco_test.subset(gids=image_ids, copy=True)

# All N activity confs x each video frame
activity_confs = video_dset.images().lookup("activity_conf")

next_step = 1
step_predictions = []
num_frames_activated = 0

# Predicted step: confidence has been above threshold for 5 frames.
threshold_frame_count = 8
for i, activity_conf in enumerate(activity_confs):

# Check if we're done: if so, append last step & continue
if next_step == len(steps):
# Next step
next_activity_id = steps[next_step]['activity_id']
next_next_activity_id = steps[min(len(steps)-1,next_step + 1)][

next_activity_conf = activity_conf[next_activity_id]
next_next_activity_conf = activity_conf[next_next_activity_id]

avg_prob_next_activity = avg_probs[next_activity_id]
avg_prob_next_next_activity = avg_probs[next_next_activity_id]
if next_activity_id == 16 and vid_id == 2:
print(f"next_activity_id = {next_activity_id}")
print(f"avg_prob_next_activity = {avg_prob_next_activity}")
if i > 15:
threshold_frame_count = 16

if next_activity_conf > 0.8 * avg_prob_next_activity:
num_frames_activated += 1
if next_activity_id == 16 and vid_id == 2:
print(f"num_frames_activated = {num_frames_activated}. prob = {next_activity_conf}")
num_frames_activated = 0
if next_next_activity_conf > 0.8 * avg_prob_next_activity:
num_skip2_frames_activated += 1
num_skip2_frames_activated = 0

if num_frames_activated >= threshold_frame_count:
#if next_step < 23:
#next_step += 1
next_step += 1
num_frames_activated = 0
num_skip2_frames_activated = 0
elif num_skip2_frames_activated >= threshold_frame_count:
next_step = min(next_step + 2, len(steps))
num_frames_activated = 0
num_skip2_frames_activated = 0
print("hit a skip-step!!")


# Ground truth step:
activity_gts = video_dset.images().lookup("activity_gt")
step_gts = []
step_gts_no_background = []
current_step = 0
for activity_gt in activity_gts:
# convert activity id to step id
step_id = next(int(item['id']) for item in steps if item['activity_id'] == activity_gt)

# A version of GT that never jumps back to 0
if step_id > 0:
current_step = step_id

# Plot confusion matrix
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(100, 100))
cm = confusion_matrix(step_gts_no_background, step_predictions, normalize="true")
sn.heatmap(cm, annot=True, fmt="0.0%", ax=ax, linewidth=.5)
title="Confusion Matrix",
xlabel="Predicted Label",
ylabel="True Label",)

# Plot gt vs predicted class across all vid frames
fig = plt.figure()
step_gts = [float(i) for i in step_gts]
plt.plot(step_gts, label = 'gt')
plt.plot(step_predictions, label = 'estimated')
#plt.plot(inliers-0.5, label = 'inliers')
plt.plot(10*np.asarray(activity_confs)[:,17]-5, label = 'act_preds[17]')
plt.plot(10*np.asarray(activity_confs)[:,18]-5, label = 'act_preds[18]')
plt.plot(10*np.asarray(activity_confs)[:,19]-5, label = 'act_preds[19]')

plt.plot(bilateralFtr1D(10*np.asarray(activity_confs)[:,17])-10, label = 'act_preds_bilateral[17]')
plt.plot(bilateralFtr1D(10*np.asarray(activity_confs)[:,18])-10, label = 'act_pred_bilateral[18]')
plt.plot(bilateralFtr1D(10*np.asarray(activity_confs)[:,19])-10, label = 'act_preds_bilateral[19]')
#plt.plot(10*X_conf_incremental, label = 'confidence')
#plt.plot(10*vid_acts[:,10], label = act_labels[10])
#plt.plot(10*vid_acts[:,11], label = act_labels[11])
#plt.plot(10*vid_acts[:,12], label = act_labels[12])

if False:
plot_positive_GT_conf_distributions(activity_confs, activity_gt)


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