Instructions for setting up on a Linux Machine:
Open Terminal:
[Control + Alt + T]
Install Curl:
[sudo apt install curl]
verify with [curl --version]
Install NPM:
[curl -o- | bash]
verify with [npm -v]
Install Node JS:
[nvm install 20]
verify with [node -v]
Install Chrome:
[sudo apt-get install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7]
[sudo apt install ./google-chrome*.deb]
verify with [google-chrome]
Clone Repo:
[git clone] to prefered repository
Install dependencies:
[npm install] while within project folder
Run Cypress:
[npm run cy:open]
Run Test Suite:
'E2E Testing' > 'Chrome' > 'Start E2E Testing in Chrome' >
Root Cause: NodeJS version was too old - Incompatible
Used a Linux partition that had existed for a couple of years but no updates had been done - NodeJS was very far behind in versionion and was incompatible with the freshly installed Cypress This should not be an issue on a fresh install
Solution: Update NodeJS
Root Cause: Continuous Test Runs
Due to running automation several times, Amazon thinks i'm a robot and requires a captcha which causes the test suite to fail
Solution: Overthrow Amazon in a coup d'état
Cy.visit( directs to a different version of the Amazon site which the automation does not work on
Root Cause: Unknown
Solution: Introduce if statement in the 'BeforeEach' hook that checks if the suite has been directed to the required / correct version of the amazon site by identifying an element that is only present on the required version as a condition to proceed. If this element is not identified, run Cy.visit( again to attempt to direct to required version of the site
- Break down and group common actions into functions, e.g. Searching for sock and adding them to the basket
- Improve element selection to be closer to best practice, e.g. Selecting identifiers that will not change over time where possible, ID over Class for instance