To start the program, build the program and run it. It is a console application. You will be prompted to answer 3 questions:
- The troop type
- The risk factor
- The size of the matrices
The scale of the bitmaps used in our program are scaled to 100x100, thus the only sensible size of the matrices is a 100. Write '100' as the program understands the matrices as quadratic. When making new bitmaps the settings should be 4 bits per pixel and uncompressed and then just paint a map in black/white. The program should still run given a matrix size of less than 100, as long as your start and end positions are within the valid borders of a reduced matrix size. The start and end positions can be chosen from the main.c file.
Within the different C files there exists code and functions not used by our program. Examples of this includes 'relate_mineslope' from the RelationshipMethods folder, or the additional user settings showcased but commented out in the userPreferences files within the User Preferences folder.
In a finalized version of our software, these settings ought to be included for a more accurate and customizable determining of the optimal route.
The optimal route can be visualized by running the function from the Visualization folder. In order to run the script, a valid python interpreter must be installed and setup correctly. If Python is installed on your machine, you should be prompted with a setup notification when viewing the Python script in Clion.