Makes adding text to Zim pages from the command line (or another unix process) possible without further user interaction.
NB: many of the options are not implemented due to zim plugin interface limitations.
usage: zim --plugin append [OPTIONS]
--early, -0 Apply the text to the *VERY* start of the page (before the header).
--prefix, -1 Apply the text to the beginning of the page (rather than the end)
--attach=<arg>, -a Even absent some text to append, attach this file to the page.
--create, -c Only create a new page, do not append to an existing one.
--clipboard, -C Use the system clipboard as a source of text for this page
--directory=<arg>, -d Even absent some text to append, attach every file in the given directory to the page.
--exists, -e Only add to a pre-existing page, do not create one
--file=<arg>, -f Use the contents of the given file as the source of text to apply to the page (can be repeated).
--help, -? Print this help text and exit.
--header=<arg>, -h Seek and append-to the specified header (creating it if need be)
--journal, -j Use todays journal page as a target
--date=<arg>, -k Use a different days journal page as a target (specified as "YYYY-mm-dd")
--literal=<arg>, -l Use the given string (passed as a parameter) as the text to apply to the page.
--notebook=<arg>, -N Select the notebook that the page is in
--oldline, -n Dont add newlines that (ordinarily) would make the incoming text well-spaced with the current page content
--page=<arg>, -p The full page name that the text (and/or files) should be applied to
--quote, -q Wrap the appended text in a big block-quote (or similar)
--raise, -r Request that Zim be brought forward to the users attention (implies "show")
--show, -s Navigate Zim to the specified page (but the window may still be buried)
--time, -t Include the current time (if today's journal page), or the full date and time (otherwise) before the entry
--usage, -? Print this help text and exit.
Make a note, that right 'now' something has happened:
zim --plugin append -j -t -l "Went to buy bread."
...the same, but using the long options:
zim --plugin append --journal --time --literal="Went to buy bread."