This is our test branch of the below project. Things we'll be working on specifically:
Fixing Android pie notification issue. Seems to be Android wide. Multiple threads over the internet about notifications missing in multiple apps. Suspected solution is to build against SDK28.
Fix noise dampening/cancellation issues in video chat (echoes on the line). We aim to use hardware noise cancelling as per the article below.
See below.
Import existing TOX accounts. Need to look though the code to work out what's going on and how to implement. Easy fix?
Add offline messaging capability. If user offline, add to db and attempt to resend every 5 seconds for 5 mins, drop to every 15 seconds after that. Drop down lower later? Consider traffic etc. and power implications.
Add Back button to chats. Take back to chat list.
This is not a Reference Client, it's c-toxcore for Android.
This is now also a Tox Client for Android.
and select the "android-refimpl-app" subdir:
Had to make native-audio.jni first. Needed cmake and ninja installed on OS. Then build module.
the latest Development Snapshot can be downloaded from CircleCI, here