nightly #20
1 error and 10 warnings
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 #enum_task_names with new task returns all tasks by default
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 #enum_task_names with new task does not recurse folders if specified
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 #enum_task_names with new task onlies return compatible tasks if specified
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 create a task in the root folder given a test task fixture is enabled by default
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 create a task in the root folder given a test task fixture is V2 compatible
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Puppet::Type::Scheduled_task uses name as the namevar
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 create a task in the root folder given a test task fixture has a single trigger
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Puppet::Type::Scheduled_task::ProviderTaskscheduler_api2 is the default provider
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Puppet::Type::Scheduled_task uses taskscheduler_api2 as the default provider
Skipped: Not on Windows platform
Run tests:
Scheduled Tasks API v2 When directly calling Scheduled Tasks API v2 create a task in the root folder given a test task fixture has a trigger of type TimeTrigger
Skipped: Not on Windows platform