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Okeanus edited this page Jul 8, 2016 · 5 revisions


There are some initial tests in the file MQL4/Scripts/OTMql4/OTMql4PyTest.mq4

Warning! Typo in Line 12 of the file MQL4/Scripts/OTMql4/OTMql4PyTest.mq4 #include <OTMql4/OTLibLog.mqh> should be changed to the following #include <OTMql4/OTLibPyLog.mqh>

Attach this script to a chart and it will run a series of simple tests; you can choose which tests to run as inputs when you attach the script. Look at the Experts log window for messages; errors will start with the word ERROR: and should pop up a MessageBox.

Known Issues

During testing, we have noticed an error when you are repeatedly initilizing and uninitializing the Python interpreter. Any call of Python generates a exceptions.SystemError. You must restart Metatrader if this happens.

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