Need Shibboleth login on your iOS / MacOS app but don't want to use a webview? Don't want to deal with XML or read a spec? Use SwiftECP to do the work for you!
SwiftECP is a spec-conformant Shibboleth ECP client. Simply provide credentials and a Shibboleth-protected resource URL and SwiftECP will hand you a Shibboleth cookie to attach to further requests or inject into a webview.
let username = "YOUR_USERNAME"
let password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
let protectedURL = URL(
string: ""
let logger = XCGLogger()
logger.setup(level: .debug)
protectedURL: protectedURL,
username: username,
password: password,
logger: logger
).start { event in
switch event {
case let .value(body):
// If the request was successful, the protected resource will
// be available in 'body'. Make sure to implement a mechanism to
// detect authorization timeouts.
print("Response body: \(body)")
// The Shibboleth auth cookie is now stored in the sharedHTTPCookieStorage.
// Attach this cookie to subsequent requests to protected resources.
// You can access the cookie with the following code:
if let cookies = HTTPCookieStorage.shared.cookies {
let shibCookie = cookies.filter { (cookie: HTTPCookie) in "shibsession") != nil
case let .failed(error):
// This is an AnyError that wraps the error thrown.
// This can help diagnose problems with your SP, your IdP, or even this library :)
switch error.cause {
case let ecpError as ECPError:
// Error with ECP
// User-friendly error message
// Technical/debug error message
case let alamofireRACError as AlamofireRACError:
// Error with the networking layer
print("Unknown error!")
- iOS 9.0+ / MacOS 10.11+
- Xcode 9.2+
- Swift 5.0
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You can test your SP and IdP's ECP configuration by opening the example project and replacing username, password, and protectedURL with your own.
SwiftECP is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SwiftECP"
- Unit and integration tests
- Detailed documentation
- Support for channel bindings and holder-of-key
- Better IdP discovery
Pull requests are welcome and encouraged!
- Tyler Thompson, [email protected] (original author)
- Tanner Stokes, [email protected] (current maintainer)
SwiftECP is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.