Python version: >= 3.6 Tensorflow version: >=1.14 Tested on ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 Python libs: Pillow ,and sigpy The dataset is to be placed in a datasets folder, that does not appear here in the repository.
Some of the architecture that were generated by are sotred as shell script in architectures folders.
Other archtectures that were not generated by this script, are stored in custom_archs, more information on those archtectures can be found in the custom archtectures folder. loads a custom architecutre model that has been saved in saved_models folder. The arguments for it can be found below in the command arguments section. --load_model argument should be passed.
An excpetiion is an archtecture that uses PointNet++ as encoder, requires Pytorch, is placed in a seprate folder under PNet++.
Note: to make things simpler, /logs, /saved_predictions, /training_checkpoints should be emptied for every new experiments.
Commands are to be run at the root of this repository .
For tensorboard run:
tensorboard --logdir='logs/'
Any kind of images can be used for this
project, they should all have the same size/shape.
The project was test on 256x256 images.
Run the following commands:
sh utils/
then place train and validation in datasets/images/train
test set in datasets/images/test
Then run:
sh utils/
In the end folder structure should be:
Note: train folders contain both training and validation data.
All the contents of the should be numbered from 1 to num of samples.
python utils/data_gen --num INSERT NUMBER OF SAMPLES
python utils/data_gen --num INSERT NUMBER OF TEST SAMPLES -- cat test
Or for ground truth that is only regridded( for a network that does not do IFFT)
python utils/ --num INSERT NUMBER OF SAMPLES --FTT_input True
python utils/ --num INSERT NUMBER OF TEST SAMPLES -- cat test --FTT_input True
Note if the images are not of 256x256 then pass --image_hight # --image_width #
Warning: This function loads the whole dataset into the RAM.
Therefore, a RAM > 50 GB is recommended. Otherwise modeify traning loop
The data generated is inputs and ground truth seprated in folders.
The inputs are of shape [images hight, image width * 4]
The ground truths are of shape [images hight *2 , image width ]
Regarding the dataloader, please check the arguments, they explain everything.
An bit of an exception is for what is in PNet++.
The default of all commands can vbe found in
pass one int
# of Epochs, one int.
pass one float.
pass one float.
pass number of samples to be loaded
pass float
learning rate decay
pass MSE or MAE
Data loading Arguments:
--is_flat_channel bool
If set to true,the input element,
real, imaginary, x_coor,and y_coor
into flat channel.(vector with channels)
The input will have a shape of
[batch, y_axis_len*x_axis_len, 4]
y_axis_len * x_axis_len = num of points.
--is_flatten_gt bool
ground truth will have
only one dimension.
This is used when the
last layer in the network
is a fully connected layer.
pass the ratio of the validation data
of the loaded samples.
pass one int of the number of traning samples.
Model status arguments:
--save_weights bool --every #
bool will save checkpoints of the model's wieghts every # epoch.
--load_weights bool
pass the True to load the wieghts of the last checkpoint.
--is_train bool
if passed True, the the model will skip training phase.
Useful in case of evaluation.
--is_eval bool
if passed True, the the model will skip evaluation phase.
Useful in case of evaluation.
pass the number of prediction of samples from training
set to be saved.
pass the number of prediction of samples from test
set to be saved.
saves the inputs used for predicitons
pass bool
if set to ture it will show the logs for every batch
--name_model str
pass the name of the model to be saved.
If a name is passed the mdoel is
going to be saved in saved_models folder.
Otherwise the model is not going to be saved.
Works for and custom_archs.
--recompile bool
if passed true, it will recomiple the model
making it possible to change the learning rate,
optimizer, and decay. However, the status
of the previous optimzer will be lost
Only for
--load_model str
pass the name of the model to be loaded.
The models are saved.
This command can be executed with
IMPORTANT: THis argument should be passed
running --num #
--cat str --image_height # --image_weidth
specify the number of prediction that are in
saved_predictions folder to be visualized.
If the test predcitions are to be visualized
pass --cat test.
If the model trained on data generated
from image of different shape than 256x256.
Then pass the --image_height --image_width
After running this script, you should
see three subplots, one for trajectory,
prediction, and ground truth.
The general architecture in looks like:
conv downsampling layers ===> lstm layers ==> conv upsampling layers ===> dense layers
Any of these parts can be skipped.
To run the model: python3
or with passed arguments e.g: python3 --input_yx_size 1280 720 ----is_CuDNNLSTM True --dense_layers 2000 1000
This command will intialize the model with the default settings specidfied in You can find the defualt settings with #default on the line of the a specific parameter of the model.
Note: This model's weights can be saved. However, in this version of Tensorflow, the entire model can not be saved.
# Encoder Architecture
pass int numbers of the nubmer of units in a convolutional
layer the number of passed integers also determine the
number of conv layers.
e.g --conv_layers 64 32.
model will have two conv layers with 64 units for the
first and 32 for the seond.
pass for every specified layer three ints:
# the layer index(startinng from zero)
# the kernel width
# the kernel height
the layers that are not specified will have (3,3)
kernel by default.
--kernel_sizes_encoder 2 5 5 6 2 2
layer indexed 2 will have (5,5) kernel
layer indexed 6 will have (2,2) kernel
other layers will have by default (3,3).
pass for every specified layer three ints:
# the layer index(startinng from zero)
# the stride width
# the stride height
the layers that are not specified will have (1,1)
stride by default.
--strides_encoder 3 2 3 6 4 2
layer indexed 3 will have (2,3) stride
layer indexed 6 will have (4,2) stride
other layers will have by default (1,1).
max pool layer
pass for every specified layer three ints:
# the layer index(startinng from zero)
# the window's width
# the window's height
the layers that are not specified will have (1,1)
stride by default.
--pooling_layers 2 2 2 6 4 2
after layer 3 will have (2,2) maxpool layer
after layer 6 will have (4,2) maxpool layer
other layers will have by default (1,1)
pass two int numbers of the dimension of the input.
pass int numbers of the nubmer of units in a lstm cell
the number of passed integers also determine the number
of lstm layers.
e.g --lstm_layers 1024 256.
model will have two lstm layers with 1024 units for the
first and 256 for the seond.
IMPORTANT NOTE: the last hidden units should have integer
that has an integer square root.
# Decoder Architecture
pass int numbers of the nubmer of units in a layer
the number of passed integers also determine the number
of lstm layers.
e.g --dense_layers 1024 512.
model will have two layers with 1024 units for the
first and 512 for the seond.
pass int numbers of the nubmer of units in a conv layer
the number of passed integers also determine the number
of lstm layers.
e.g --trans_conv_layers 64 128.
model will have two transpose conv layers with 64 units
for the first and 128 for the seond.
pass for every specified layer three ints:
# the layer index(startinng from zero)
# the kernel width
# the kernel height
the layers that are not specified will have (3,3)
kernel by default.
--kernel_sizes_decoder 2 5 5 6 2 2
layer indexed 2 will have (5,5) kernel
layer indexed 6 will have (2,2) kernel
other layers will have by default (3,3).
pass for every specified layer three ints:
# the layer index(startinng from zero)
# the stride width
# the stride height
the layers that are not specified will have (1,1)
stride by default.
--strides_decoder 3 2 3 6 4 2
layer indexed 3 will have (2,3) stride
layer indexed 6 will have (4,2) stride
other layers will have by default (1,1).
max pool layer
pass for every specified layer three ints:
# the layer index(startinng from zero)
# the window's width
# the window's height
the layers that are not specified will have (1,1)
stride by default.
--upsampling_layers 2 2 2 6 4 2
after layer 3 will have (2,2) upsampling layer
after layer 6 will have (4,2) upsampling layer
other layers will have by default (1,1).
pass bool for enabling batch conv layers.
pass bool for enabling batch dense layers.
pass one flaot.
pass one flaot.
adds regularization in all of the layers
pass one bool
if support for CuDNNLSTM is available.