JGentle's features are referred to as Inversion of Control (IoC) Container or Lightweight Container. The adoption of JGentle in an application ensures the use of certain design principles which improve encapsulation, modularization, testability and reusability, offering configuration via Dependency Injection, Definition Management, Annotation Injection, and declarative services via AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming).
The distribution file includes the following:
JGentle Framework x.x.x-bin.jar: The jar file.
JGentle Framework x.x.x-src.zip: The JGentle sources, to get integrated into your IDE of choice.
JGentle Framework x.x.x-with-dependencies.zip: The jar bin file + third-party libraries
lib/: The third-party libraries used in a typical application.
document/: the documentation of this release.
doc/: javadoc
samples/: sample java code.
- JGentle requires a JSP 2.1 container (tomcat 6 or Jetty 6) to deploy web application and java 6 or above.
- Discuss at http://groups.google.com/group/jgentlegroup
- Remember to check the documentation at http://code.google.com/p/jgentle/w/list
We hope you enjoy this framework as much as we do.
The JGentle team. http://code.google.com/p/jgentle/