Releases: ObsidianMinor/Gfycat.Net
AppVeyor lives!
New things! Like docs, and builds that go to NuGet and MyGet! (ignore the number on the end, it just shows me how many times I've made commits to dev)
Gfycat.Rest.MultipartFile was removed for being dead code
IRestClient.SetCancellationToken(CancellationToken) was removed for being dead code
If you've had any deadlocking issues in UI applications, they should be gone.
Internal threading change
Small internal change that prevents deadlocks from happening in apps containing UI.
Also added CurrentUser property to GfycatClient that provides easy access to the current user info.
Minor Fix: The Sequel
Fixed #4
More undocumented stuff
Added properties to view whether the current user had liked, disliked, or bookmarked a gfy.
- Gfy.LikedByCurrentUser
- Gfy.DislikedByCurrentUser
- Gfy.BookmarkedByCurrentUser
- Gfy.UserTags
Added methods to like or dislike gfys as the current user
- Gfy.ModifyLikedSettingAsync(bool likeSetting)
- Gfy.ModifyDislikedSettingAsync(bool dislikeSetting)
Added magic to detect gfy names and used it to detect gfy names in urls.
- GfycatClient.IsValidGfyName(string name)
- GfycatClient.IsValidGfyUrl(string url, out string name)
Minor release 4
Added Gfy.Url property to get the share page url for a Gfy
Fixed an error where TryGetUserAsync would always return null
Gfy creation parameters null reference fix
Fixes null references in GfyCreationParameters
Initial release
Every part of the Gfycat API has been supported in this release (including a method to get API keys for the current user). As of this writing, here are some things that are broken on Gfycat's end that I've found.
CurrentUser.GetTimelineFeed throws an InternalServerException due to the property "config" being undefined
CurrentUser.DeleteGeoWhitelist throws a GfycatException : "200 Unauthorized : You are not authorized to access this endpoint" even with a valid access token.
CurrentUser.DeleteDomainWhitelist throws a GfycatException : "401 Unauthorized : You are not authorized to access this endpoint" even with a valid access token.
Initial Preview Release
All is implemented. Before 1.0 is official, I will do more testing, add more documentation, and add samples to help people get started.