Here is the description of FT4F. Actually, this mod is too easy to use to say anything about it, so I list a few notes for you guys:
- The file name of its config is festivaltimer.json, under the config folder.
- Whenever you change the config, you should run command
/festivaltimer reload
to apply. - Here is an example config, in case of losing it (you can restore it by deleting it and restaring the server as well):
"enable": true,
"targetDateTime": "2025-01-29 00:00:00",
"bossBarColorName": "yellow",
"lastTenSecondsColorName": "gold",
"titleReminderTime": 30,
"titleStayTime": 20,
"prefix": "§4[FestivalTimer]§r ",
"bossBarMessage": "Festival Timer: %dD %dH %dM %dS",
"endBossBarMessage": "Countdown has ended",
"reloadConfigMessage": "Configuration reloaded!",
"endTitleMessage": "Happy New Year!",
"enableEndSubTitleMessage": true,
"endSubTitleMessage": "This is the subtitle after the countdown ends",
"enableEndSound": true