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schaefi authored Jan 9, 2024
2 parents fc8efd1 + af4ae29 commit 443b438
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@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# Flake Pilot

## Semi Transparent Container/VM instances

1. [Introduction](#introduction)
1. [Use Cases](#usecases)
2. [Installation](#installation)
3. [Quick Start OCI containers](#oci)
1. [Use Cases](#usecases)
4. [Quick Start FireCracker VMs](#fire)
1. [Use FireCracker VM image from components](#components)
2. [Networking](#networking)
Expand All @@ -29,6 +31,46 @@ OCI container or a FireCracker VM. There are two main components:
```flake-ctl``` is the management utility to list, register,
remove, and-more... flake applications on your host.

The main idea for flake-pilot was not only to launch isolated apps like
native binaries but also allow to run a provision step prior calling
the application. This concept then allows to run semi transparent
container/VM instances which can take information from other places
prior its execution. The following diagram visualizes this concept:


As a result we see some interesting use cases described in the following

### Use Cases <a name="usecases"/>

* delta containers used together with a base container such that
only small delta containers gets pulled to the registry used with
a base that exists only once.

* include arbitrary data without harming the host integrity e.g custom
binaries, proprietary software not following package guidelines and
standards, e.g automotive industry processes which we will not be
able to change in this live ;)

* layering of several containers, e.g deltas on top of a base. Building
up a solution stack e.g base + python + python-app.

* provisioning app dependencies from the host instead of providing them
in the container, e.g a delta container providing the app using a base
container but take the certificates or other sensitive information
from the host; three way dependency model.

Actually all of the above use cases are immaterial if a proper packaging,
release and maintenance of the application is possible. However, I have
learned the world is not an ideal place and there might be a spot for
this project to be useful, supporting users with "special" needs and
adding an adaptive feature to the OS.

For demo purposes and to showcase the mentioned use cases, some
example images were created. See [How To Build Your Own App Images](#images)
for further details

## Installation <a name="installation"/>

flake-pilot components are written in rust and available as packages
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,40 +120,6 @@ connected to the ```aws-cli``` container provided by Amazon on
aws ec2 help

### Use Cases <a name="usecases"/>

Apart from this very simple example you can do a lot more. The main
idea for flake-pilot was not only to launch container based apps but
also allow to run a provision step prior calling the application.
This concept then allows for use cases like:

* delta containers used together with a base container such that
only small delta containers gets pulled to the registry used with
a base that exists only once.

* include arbitrary data without harming the host integrity e.g custom
binaries, proprietary software not following package guidelines and
standards, e.g automotive industry processes which we will not be
able to change in this live ;)

* layering of several containers, e.g deltas on top of a base. Building
up a solution stack e.g base + python + python-app.

* provisioning app dependencies from the host instead of providing them
in the container, e.g a delta container providing the app using a base
container but take the certificates or other sensitive information
from the host; three way dependency model.

Actually all of the above use cases are immaterial if a proper packaging,
release and maintenance of the application is possible. However, I have
learned the world is not an ideal place and there might be a spot for
this project to be useful, supporting users with "special" needs and
adding an adaptive feature to the OS.

For demo purposes and to showcase the mentioned use cases, some
example images were created. See [How To Build Your Own App Images](#images)
for further details

## Quick Start FireCracker VMs <a name="fire"/>

Using containers to isolate applications from the host system is a common
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,14 +354,14 @@ One option is to use the **Open Build Service** which is able to build
software packages and images and therefore allows to maintain the
complete application stack.

For demo purposes and to showcase the mentioned <a name="usecases"/>
For demo purposes and to showcase the mentioned [Use Cases](#usecases)
some example images were created and could be considered as a simple
```flake store```. Please find them here:


Feel free to browse through the project and have some fun testing. There
is a short description in each application build how to use them.
is a short description for each application how to use them.

**_NOTE:_** All images are build using the
[KIWI]( appliance builder which is
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