A simple library to save color-arrays represented as 24bit-integer-arrays as BMPs in C++, easy to use and easy to include since its only one header file!
Copy and paste arrayToBmp.hpp into your project, and include it with #include "arrayToBmp.hpp". Then use the arrayToBMP function to write your BMP! Easy as that. The Color values are basicly integers, just like HTML rgb values. E.g.: 0xFFFFFF for white, or 0xFF0000 for red. If you have trouble converting integers to RGB24 values, use the getColor function, which returns an rgb24_t value, with given R, G and B values.
The following code will show how simple it is to save an BMP-file:
#include "arrayToBMP.h"
int main()
// The path we will save to. Would also work with "bar" instead of "bar.bmp".
const char* path = ".\\foo\\bar.bmp";
// Define some colors with the getColor function.
rgb24_t crimson = arrayToBMP::getColor(220, 20, 60);
rgb24_t magenta = arrayToBMP::getColor(255, 0, 255);
// Define some colors without getColor
rgb24_t coral = 0xFF7F50;
rgb24_t cadetBlue = 0x5F9EA0;
// Our color-array we want to save. Every value is a pixel in the BMP.
// The top left pixel, will be the top left pixel in the BMP. In this example "crimson"
// will be to the left, "magenta" to the right, "coral" to the top in between, and
// "cadetBlue" at the bottom in between "crimson" and "magenta".
rgb24_t pixels[] = { crimson, coral, magenta,
crimson, magenta, magenta,
crimson, cadetBlue, magenta };
size_t pixelsWidth = 3; // Width of our pixel-array.
size_t pixelsHeight = 3; // Height of our pixel-array.
// Save the array as BMP.
arrayToBMP::ArrayToBMP(pixels, pixelsWidth, pixelsHeight, path);
return 0;
- One byte, 0x00 - 0xFF.rgb24_t
- Three bytes, 0x000000 - 0xFFFFFF.
- ArrayToBMP writes a BMP file to the destinated path.getColor
- getColor returns an rgb24 value given the R, G, and B values.
- Author: Marius Zander
- License: Licensed under the no-license-license.