The so-called README page has been under WIP for years, so I guess it's time to write something here.
Hello, I'm Tian 'Sebastian' Xia, also known as OMGCA, the alias I've been using since 2007. Currently I'm working for Huawei, mainly focusing on the UI framework of the AOSP part of the HarmonyOS. Previously I was working for Huawei's Data Communication products' OS platform and the Performance Lab in nVIDIA. Alma mater University of York, BEng, MSc.
I'm not very active on GitHub as I barely have much time devoting on my own project, although I very much want to. I use it more as my code repos' back up, as you can see most of my projects are way back to 2018. My star page is definitely much more interesting than my own project page.
For those who found this page, I thank you for your visit.