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2023.3-2 OFS Release for Intel Agilex 7 PCIe Attach Reference Shells

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@cohensus cohensus released this 03 Feb 03:48

OFS 2023.3-2

Summary: OFS 2023.3-2 Release for Intel® Agilex 7 PCIe Attach FPGAs

  • Boards Targeted:
    • Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA I-Series Development Kit (2x R-Tile, F-Tile)
    • Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA F-Series Development Kit (2x F-Tile)
    • Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL (P-Tile, E-Tile)
  • Board Management Controller (BMC):
    • Intel MAX® 10 Nios® Firmware Version: 3.15.0 (Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL only)
    • Intel MAX® 10 Build Version: 3.15.0 (Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL only)

Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA F-Series and I-Series Development Kits do not utilize an OFS compatible BMC, thus certain features such as remote system update are not supported.




This page provides up-to-date information about the Open FPGA Stack (OFS) for Intel® Agilex® 7 PCIe Attach devices. This project targets the:

  • Intel Agilex 7 FPGA I-Series Development Kit (2xR-Tile, F-Tile)
  • Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-Series Development Kit (2xF-Tile)
  • Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL

The summary of OFS framework features are shown below. To find out more about these platforms refer to the documentation below:

OFS Intel® Agilex®7 PCIe Attach FIM Key Features

Key Feature I-Series (2xR-Tile, 1xF-Tile) F-Series (2xF-Tile) F-Series (1xP-Tile, 1xE-Tile)
Target OPN AGIB027R29A1E2VR3 AGFB027R24C2E2VR2 AGFB014R24A2E2V
PCIe R-tile PCIe* Gen5x8 F-tile PCIe* Gen4x16 P-tile PCIe* Gen4x16
Virtualization 5 physical functions/3 virtual functions with ability to expand 5 physical functions/3 virtual functions with ability to expand 5 physical functions/3 virtual functions with ability to expand
Memory Two Fabric DDR4 channels, x64 (no ECC), 2666 MHz, 8GB 3 DDR Channels:
• One HPS DDR4 bank, x40 (x32 Data and x8 ECC), 2400 MHz, 1GB each
• Two Fabric DDR4 banks, x64 (no ECC), 2400 MHz, 8GB
5 DDR Channels:
• One HPS DDR4 bank, x40 (x32 Data and x8 ECC), 1200 MHz, 1GB each
• Four Fabric DDR4 banks, x32 (no ECC), 1200 MHz, 4GB
Ethernet 2x4x25GbE, 2x200GbE, 2x400GbE 2x4x25GbE 2x4x25GbE, 2x4x10GbE or 2x100GbE
Hard Processor System Not enabled 64-bit quad core Arm® Cortex®-A53 MPCore with integrated peripherals. 64-bit quad core Arm® Cortex®-A53 MPCore with integrated peripherals.
Configuration and Board Manageability • FPGA Management Engine that provides general control of common FPGA tasks (ex. error reporting, partial reconfiguration)
• Platform Management Controller Interface (PMCI) Module for Board Management Controller
• FPGA Management Engine that provides general control of common FPGA tasks (ex. error reporting, partial reconfiguration)
• Platform Controller Management Interface (PMCI) Module for Board Management Controller
• FPGA Management Engine that provides general control of common FPGA tasks (ex. error reporting, partial reconfiguration)
• Platform Controller Management Interface (PMCI) Module for Board Management Controller
Partial Reconfiguration Supported Supported Supported
OneAPI OneAPI Acceleration Support Package (ASP) provided with compiled FIM to support OneAPI Runtime OneAPI Acceleration Support Package (ASP) provided with compiled FIM to support OneAPI Runtime OneAPI Acceleration Support Package (ASP) provided with compiled FIM to support OneAPI Runtime
Software Support • Linux DFL drivers targeting OFS FIMs
• OPAE Software Development Kit
• OPAE Tools
• Linux DFL drivers targeting OFS FIMs
• OPAE Software Development Kit
• OPAE Tools
• Linux DFL drivers targeting OFS FIMs
• OPAE Software Development Kit
• OPAE Tools
Target Board Intel Agilex 7 FPGA I-Series Development Kit (2xR-Tile, F-Tile) Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-Series Development Kit (2x F-Tile) Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL

The OFS hardware framework also provides:

  • Support for unit test simulation (using Synopsys® VCS® or Siemens® Questa simulators)
  • UVM support using Synopsys® VCS®
  • Host exercisers that allow you to test interfaces on the FPGA

The OFS software framework provides:

  • FPGA platform Linux drivers that are being upstreamed to
  • A programmable software development kit and userspace tools for managing the FPGA

Important: If you would like to begin evaluating the default shell that can be built from this repository, please scroll down to the "assets" accordion button below which contains the FPGA binary/POF/SOF along with the applicable Linux driver and Open Programmable Acceleration Engine (OPAE) software development kit (SDK) packages.

New Updates for ofs-2023.3-2 Release

  • New 2 PF (physical function) shell targeting Agilex 7 PCIe Attach F-Series P-Tile/E-Tile devices that provides capability for passing a PF into a VM and additionally Partial reconfiguration functionality on a PF.

Known Issues

This table describes the known issues for the 2023.3 OFS Release targeting Intel Agilex 7 devices.

IDKnown IssuesWorkaroundStatusPlatform Target Affected
14020467906Compiling an F-Tile PCIe Attach design with a 100GbE configuration results in a build failure.None.Fixed in a future release of OFSF-Series Development Kit
-R-tile Agilex PCIe Attach Reference FIM does not support UVM simulation. Only unit test simulation is available.NoneFixed in a future release of OFSI-Series Development Kit
-The R-Tile PCIe attach design requires a [16550 UART IP license file]( to be installed in Quartus Prime Pro even though it is not used in the design.NoneFixed in a future release of OFSI-Series Development Kit
14020113416Simulations of Ethernet Subsystem in 10GbE configuration show rx_tvalid in an unknown state upon reset. 10GbE simulation is currently not supportedNoneFixed in a future release of OFS.Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL
14021023150The fpgainfo phy command reports QSFP as not connected even if Ethernet ports are up because QSFP status is not routed to the FPGA in the Intel Agilex 7 I-Series Development Kit.Refer to the Port Status listed in the command to observe the link status.No future fix.I-Series Development Kit
14020129685The hssi_loopback command is currently not supported when FIM Ethernet configuration is 2x100GbE.NoneFixed in a future release of OFS.Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL
14018364039The OPAE command fpgainfo bmc and fpgainfo temp display a "CVL" field that is not utilized by the design.None. Ignore "CVL" listings.Fixed in a future release of OFS.Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL

Resolved Issues

There are no new resolved issues.

Important Notes

The following section provides important information about this release:

IDImportant Notes
-For the F-Series Development Kit (2xF-tile) shell design, the reference clock for the Ethernet subsystem uses reference Clock 6 (QSFPDD REFCLK), which is only accessible from FGT Quads 2 and 3. If you wish to use FGT Quads 0 or 1, you will need to change the reference clock to one that is accessible by all FGT Quads (e.g. Reference Clock 2 (QSFP Global REFCLK)).
-When using the PF/VF configuration tool to reconfigure the PF/VF MUX for a shell targeting an F-series P-Tile/E-Tile device, you must keep at least:
    • One (1) physical function and one (1) virtual function on PF0.
    • Two (2) physical functions.
All other PFs and VFs can be removed if desired.

When using the PF/VF configuration tool to reconfigure the PF/VF MUX for a shell targeting an F-series F-tile or I-series R-Tile/F-Tile device, you must keep at least:
    • One (1) physical function and one (1) virtual function on PF0.
All other PFs and VCs can be removed if desired.
15012246661When enabling cable hotplug IP and ANLT, the E-tile recipe resulting from the ANLT initialization flow is over-written by the hotplug initialization flow. If you require a custom ANLT recipe, then you cannot use hotplug at this time. You can disable hotplug by writing 1 to index-0 of HSSI Hotplug Debug Control Register (offset 0x600B4) followed by a port level reset or analog reset.
15012406417If using the Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL Platform (SKU2) for evaluation of the OFS release, ensure DIP Switch SW1.4 on the board is set to convey the correct board type or the OPAE commands could display invalid temperature values for an Intel NIC E810 (SKU1) which is not populated on the SKU2 board. For Intel FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL Platform (SKU2), SW1.4 must be off (pointing towards the PCIe goldfinger). Note that a BMC reset is required if you must flip the switch to the correct setting.
14020225084The simulation script runs a superset of simulation tests for all configurations available in the ofs-agx7-pcie-attach repository. You can customize the script to run only the tests applicable to your design by using the -k list option in the script which directs the regression to only pick up tests you have listed in your list.txt file. Please refer to the FPGA Interface Manager Development Guide for more details.