This Mod is intended to be used by other modders. It adds a few console commands to help modders with miscellaneous tasks. I will add more commands as I found the need for it or you can make Pull Requests if you like to have your own helpers added to this mod.
You can use the commands by bringing up the console via F1, although you probably should already know that if you want to use this mod, again this mod is not meant to be used by end users!
Optimizing hand/foot positions/rotations via xml-edit and re-starting the game is very tedious! This mod allows you to adjust the positions in-game and see the results right away, which helps greatly to speed up this process. The primary player must be attached to a vehicle in order to use these functions properly.
ocb vikt
// open ui for adjustmentsocb ikts
// list all ikt targetsocb ikp LeftHand 5,8,-7
// set positionocb ikr RightFoot -4,3,2
// set rotationocb seat
// show seat position/rotationocb seatp -.41,.33,.06
// seat positionocb seatr -25,0,0
// seat rotation
Note: vector3 positions/rotations must not include any whitespace!
ocb cvars
to list all player.Buffs.CVarsocb progression
to list ProgressionValuesocb qfp
to list all QuestFactionPoints
You can also use this mod to modify certain values:
ocb cvar name [float]
ocb progression name [level]
ocb qfp name value
Not that there is a great chance that the game will overwrite your changes on the next update. So don't expect to stuff just magically happen if only changing CVars etc.
This mod will persist the previous commands through restarts.
Download from GitHub releases and extract into your Mods folder!
Ensure you don't have double nested folders and ModInfo.xml is at right place!
- Mitigate crash when modifying rig for feet IKs
- Add seat switching command (experimental)
- Increase some UI min/max values per demand
- First compatibility with V1.0 (exp)
- Add
cmd to open adjustment UI
- Fix issue setting IK targets on some vehicles
- Add support for vehicle seat adjustments
- Update compatibility for 7D2D A21.2(b14)
- Update compatibility for 7D2D A21.0(b313)
- Last A20.6/7 compatible version