Adjust the colours to a wallpaper to better match your setup, terminal, and/or IDE! Use theme presets such as:
- Gruvbox
- Nord
- Everforest
- Solarized
- Dracula
- Tokyo Night
- Kanagawa
- Catppuccin
- Rosé Pine
- Custom Theme (add your own colours!)
Inspired by Gruvbox Factory and ImageGoNord
Note: There are more themes than just the ones listed here.
- Drag/Drop an image or click on "Browse" to select your image.
- Select a theme.
- If you want to do a custom theme, select "Custom Theme" and press the + button to add colours. Click on the colour swatch (the black block) and change the colour to whatever you'd like. Press "Done" when you are ready.
- Press "Convert"
- Wait! It may take a few seconds, especially if you have lower-end hardware. You will know that it is done when you see the "Download" button and "Reset Image" button.
- Download the image if you'd like, or if you want to try another palette, press "Reset Image" and repeat steps 3-5.
I wrote a blog post in 2022 explaining more about how it works. Check it out:
Thank you to all of the contributers! You can find the contributor list here
If you would like to contribute, see
In the event that you would like to host Wallpaper Theme Converter or run locally for development purposes, you can do so very easily as there are no JS dependencies or libraries for this website. This is a pure HTML + CSS + JS implementation. Simply clone this repository and open index.html
This project is under an MIT License. I would appreciate it if you could credit me and/or provide a link to this GitHub repository.