It begins...
incipyt [ˈɪŋkɪpɪt̪] is a command-line tool that bootstraps a Python project.
$ pip install incipyt
incipyt is not opinated, by default it setups the tools recommanded in the PyPA/packaging-projects tutorial: pyproject.toml and setuptools in addition to git and sphinx which are de-facto standard.
$ python -m incipyt mynewproject
Project Name [mynewproject]:
Author [John Doe]:
Author email []:
$ tree mynewproject
├── .git/
├── docs/
│ ├── _build/
│ ├── _static/
│ ├── _templates/
│ ├──
│ ├── index.rst
│ ├── make.bat
│ └── Makefile
├── mynewproject/
│ └──
├── tests/
├── .gitignore
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
incipyt provides a rich command line interface so you can choose various build systems, version control system, virtual environments, documentation software, linters, formatters, etc.
$ python -m incipyt --help
incipyt is released under the MIT license and is open to contributions
The complete setup instruction are found on the dev-instructions. Below is the minimum to get started:
$ git clone
$ cd incipyt
$ python -m venv --upgrade-deps .env
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade flit
$ python -m flit install --pth-file --deps develop
$ python -m pytest -vv tests