Dockerfile to build a container image with qmail, vpopmail, ezmlm, qmailadmin and dovecot
This container will run supervisord and start up
- qmail-send and a qmail tcp server (for smtp)
- nginx for qmailadmin
- dovecot for imap and pop3
Take note: qmail (port 25) should NEVER be open to the public internet, it's outdated and this setup won't protect against spam. I recommend using postfix and redirect mails for qmail-based domains to this server.
Current versions:
- qmail: 1.0.6
- vpopmail: 5.4.33
- ezmlm: github master version of
- autorespond: 2.0.5
- qmailadmin: 1.2.16 using ubuntu nginx
- dovecot: current ubuntu version custom rebuild: 2.2.9-1ubuntu2.1
I'm not planning on maintaining an docker image, but I wanted to give this to the community. So you'll have to build it yourself, no worries, it's all automated
git clone
cd docker-qmail
docker build -t qmail .
This will take a couple of minutes since it will compile everything (5 up to 30 minutes depending on your hardware).
If you want to be able to run vpopmail commands outside the container, I've added some scripts that will help to install them:
cd assets/scripts
chmod +x
now you can use commands like vadddomain
and vuserinfo
You can launch the image using the docker command line,
docker run --name='qmail' -it --rm \
-p 10080:80 \
-p 20025:25 -p 110:110 -p 993:993 -p 143:143 -p 995:995 \
-v /home/vpopmail/domains:/home/vpopmail/domains \
Point your browser to http://localhost:10080
You should now have the qmailadmin application up and ready for testing. If you want to use this image in production the please read on.
if you don't want to lose your mail when the docker container is stopped/deleted. To avoid losing any data, you should mount a volume at,
For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell. If you are using docker version 1.3.0
or higher you can access a running containers shell using docker exec
docker exec -it qmail bash
If you are using an older version of docker, you can use the nsenter linux tool (part of the util-linux package) to access the container shell.
Some linux distros (e.g. ubuntu) use older versions of the util-linux which do not include the nsenter
tool. To get around this @jpetazzo has created a nice docker image that allows you to install the nsenter
utility and a helper script named docker-enter
on these distros.
To install nsenter
execute the following command on your host,
docker run --rm -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter
Now you can access the container shell using the command
sudo docker-enter qmail
For more information refer