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Custom Better Questing Unofficial Embeds

Integer Limit edited this page Mar 2, 2025 · 4 revisions


There are two supported types of embeds, Links and Copies. Both are in a quests' description.

Links open a link when you click them, Copies saves something to the clipboard.


As a demonstration, you can paste the following description into a new quest:

Example Description

§bHello: This is a Test:

Disabled Link: <{link}>Link<|>Display<|>disabled<{link}> Disabled Copy: <{copy}>Link<|>Display<|>disabled<{copy}>

§nNormal§r Text Height

<{link}>Normal<{link}> Text Height (Not)

The result should look like:


Underlined and blue pulsing text are links, italicised and green pulsing text are copies.


The syntax for copies and links is very similar. For the following syntax, id represents a discriminating id between links and copies, where it is link for links and copy for copies.

Generally, the syntax is:

For copies/links where you want the display text to be the same as the link/copied text: <{id}>CONTENT<{id}>

For copies/links where you want the display text to be different: <{id}>CONTENT<|>DISPLAY<{id}>

For disabled copies/links (that have no mouse interactions, useful as a display for example copies/links): <{id}>CONTENT<|>DISPLAY<|>disabled<{id}>

For disabled interactive elements, it is important to note:

  • The CONTENT is redundant and discarded
  • The disabled entry must have the exact correct spelling, and be in all lowercase.



  • <{copy}>HI<{copy}> will copy 'HI', and displays 'HI'.
  • <{copy}>Complex Text<|>Placeholder<{copy}> will copy 'Complex Text', and displays 'HI'.
  • <{copy}>Link<|>Display<|>disabled<{copy}> will not have mouse interactions (be disabled), and displays 'Display'.


  • <{link}>HI<{link}> will open the link 'HI', and displays 'HI'.
  • <{link}>Complex Text<|>Placeholder<{link}> will open the link 'Complex Text', and displays 'HI'.
  • <{link}>Link<|>Display<|>disabled<{link}> will not have mouse interactions (be disabled), and displays 'Display'.
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