fb.py is a software development kit for Facebook. It supports both old rest api and new graph api. it uses oauth, old style signature/secretkey based api calls for old rest api are not supported at this time.
you can find official documentation at facebook about api calls and methods.
- old rest api: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/
- graph api: http://graph.facebook.com
- python-simplejson
- get the archive.
- run python setup.py install (with root priviliges)
add these lines to your settings.py
FACEBOOK_CONFIG = { "redirect_uri" : "%s/fbconnect" % BASE_URL, "scope" : 'email,publish_stream,offline_access,user_hometown,user_location', "api_key" : "[INSERT_API_KEY_HERE]", "app_secret" : "[INSERT_APPLICATION_SECRET_HERE]", "app_id" : "[INSERT_APPLICATION_ID_HERE]", }
after these steps, you can call FBPY instance as request.facebook. a simple view example:
if not request.facebook.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect(request.facebook.get_login_url()) else: user_info = request.facebook.graph().get_object("me") return render_to_response("welcome.html", user_info, context_instance = RequestContext(request))
read the code/wait for more documentation. fb.py is one python file with inline documentation, so browsing the code is a good idea than waiting a fully documentation.
there is a sandbox django project in example_project directory.
download it and edit settings.py. (FACEBOOK_CONFIG variable.)
run python manage.py syncdb (we need sessions!)
run python manage.py runserver
go to your web browser, and see
in order to send calls to new graph api, a simple request should be like that: reply = request.facebook.graph().get_object("me")
old rest api example: (taking mutual friends for a spesific profile id) reply = request.facebook.rest().get_object("friends.getMutualFriends", target_uid = profile_id)
happy hacking!
more documentation.
handling cookie/session storage in FBPY.
- Timu Eren & Yilmaz Ugurlu - suggestions and ideas.