Being a software developer for nearly three years, there are always some fancy words such as TDD, unit test, etc. reflecting in front of me. Unfortunately, I hadn't learnt how to adopt these patterns or approaches until recently I found myself wasting too much time on testing, debugging. Specifically, it is not writing test that cost considerable amount of the precious time. Believe it or not, all of my colleagues haven't write unit test in their project, let alone TDD. Consequently, we are not able to write robust applications we can't write test before delivering them to customers.
Fortunately, a lot of exceptional programmers who had faced the same problems had already tackled these issues by writing unit tests and, furthermore, adopting TDD. Lessa Koskela was among those prominent programmers. He wrote such an excellent book for us to learn about not only TDD but also practical skills which are definitely beneficial for any developer. I want to say thank you to them, Lessa and other pioneers, indeed.
By the way, the founder of TDD, Kent Beck himself, also write a book with thoroughly written examples. Presumably, it a must-read book and must be excellent one.