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Single Sign On Tokens User Authentication

Wesley Miaw edited this page Jul 15, 2016 · 2 revisions

The single-sign-on user authentication scheme is used in situations where a third-party provides a unified multi-device user experience. Examples include Microsoft Xbox Live, Apple’s iOS, and Samsung Hub.

This scheme is identified by the string SSO.

Authentication Data Representation

authdata = {
  "#mandatory" : [ "mechanism", "token" ],
  "#conditions" : "((not email and not password and not netflixid and not securenetflixid)
                    xor (email and password)
                    xor (netflixid and securenetflixid))",
  "mechanism" : "string",
  "token" : "binary",
  "email" : "string",
  "password" : "string",
  "netflixid" : "string",
  "securenetflixid" : "string"
Field Description
email user email address
netflixid Netflix ID cookie
mechanism SSO mechanism
password user password
securenetflixid Secure Netflix ID cookie
token third-party SSO token


The SSO token is issued by a third-party and authenticated by the mechanism provided by the third-party. It contains the third-party user ID. Possession of the token is considered sufficient proof of the third-party user ID.


If only an SSO token is provided then only authentication is performed. The user identity associated with the third-party user ID, if any, is assumed. If there is no associated user identity then authentication fails.


If an SSO token is provided in conjunction with either email/password or Netflix ID cookies then both authentication and association is performed. The email/password or Netflix ID cookies are used to authenticate the user and that user identity is then associated with the third-party user ID.

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