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Qubership Deployment Status Provisioner

This guide provides information about the usage of the Qubership Deployment Status Provisioner.

Topics covered in this section:


Deployment Status Provisioner is a component for providing the overall service status in Deployer jobs.


Common information

Deployment Status Provisioner is a component for providing the overall service status of deployment procedure for operator-less services. It is used to receive statuses from all required service resources and specify the final result to a preselected resource from where the Deployers read the status.

First of all, Deployment Status Provisioner checks readiness status of resources specified in MONITORED_RESOURCES parameter. If all resources are successfully started, the status condition displays the following message:

All components are in ready status.

If some resources are not started in the allotted time, status condition contains RESOURCE_NAME component is not ready message for each unready resource, where RESOURCE_NAME is the name of monitored resource.

Then Deployment Status Provisioner checks the result of integration tests if it is necessary. If the integration tests fail, the status condition outputs a message from the INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE status. If they do not complete in the allotted time, you will see Integration tests have not completed in INTEGRATION_TESTS_TIMEOUT seconds message in the status condition. If the integration tests complete successfully, the status condition displays Integration tests are successfully completed message.

You also can find information about monitored resources and array with failed resources in the pod logs.


To use Deployment Status Provisioner you need to create a resource inside your Helm chart, which creates Pod with the latest image of Deployment Status Provisioner and the following parameters:

The INITIAL_WAIT parameter specifies the time in seconds that the Deployment Status Provisioner waits before starting to check readiness status for monitored components. It is important for upgrade process. The default value is 30.

The MONITORED_RESOURCES parameter specifies the comma-separated list of resources that should be monitored by Deployment Status Provisioner. Each resource description should consist of two parts separated by space: resource kind and its name. There is ability to monitor readiness status only for the following resource kinds:

  • DaemonSet
  • Deployment
  • Job
  • StatefulSet

For example, if you have Stateful Set with name consul-server, its description should look like StatefulSet consul-server. A complete example for this parameter would be Deployment consul-backup-daemon, DaemonSet consul, StatefulSet consul-server, Job consul-server-acl-init. This parameter is mandatory and does not have default value.

The MONITORED_CUSTOM_RESOURCES parameter specifies the comma-separated list of custom resources that should be monitored by Deployment Status Provisioner. Each resource description should consist of six or seven parts separated by space:

  • group is the group of custom resource. It is required. For example,

  • version is the version of custom resource. It is required. For example, v1.

  • plural is the custom resource's plural name. It is required. For example, opensearchservices.

  • name is the custom resource's name. It is required. For example, opensearch.

  • expression is the JSONPath (query language for JSON) expression to get custom resource status. It is required. For example, you need to get type field value from the following custom resource status if reason field is equal to ReconcileCycleStatus:

        - lastTransitionTime: 2024-02-27 10:06:13.746985042 +0000 UTC m=+199.958634385
          message: The deployment readiness status check is successful
          reason: ReconcileCycleStatus
          status: 'True'
          type: Successful
        - lastTransitionTime: 2024-02-27 10:06:08.714381731 +0000 UTC m=+194.926031082
          message: Component pods are ready
          reason: ComponentReadinessStatus
          status: 'True'
          type: Ready
        mode: ''
        status: ''

    In that case required expression looks like $.status.conditions[?(@.reason=='ReconcileCycleStatus')].type. If you need to get status from a specific field (for example, component.status) in the following custom resource:

    kind: ComponentService
      creationTimestamp: '2024-02-27T10:02:51Z'
      generation: 1
      name: component
      namespace: component-service
        podReadinessTimeout: 700
        waitForPodsReady: true
        replicas: 3
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 1024Mi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 1024Mi
        status: Success

    you can specify $.spec.component.status expression. For more information, refer to Python JSONPath Next-Generation.

  • successful condition is the value that should be considered as successfully processed custom resource. It is required. For example, Successful.

  • failed condition is the value that should be considered as inability to process the custom resource. It is optional. If it is not specified, Deployment Status Provisioner will try to find successful condition before time runs out (CR_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT). For example, Failed.

A complete example for this parameter would be as follows: v1 opensearchservices opensearch $.status.conditions[?(@.reason=='ReconcileCycleStatus')].type Successful Failed, v1 customservices name $.spec.status.type Ready

The RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS parameter specifies the characteristics of the resource to set the final status of the cluster. This parameter value should consist of four parts separated by space: resource group, version, plural and its name. For example, if you want to write down the status to Job named consul-status-provisioner, the value should look like batch v1 jobs consul-status-provisioner. This parameter is mandatory and does not have default value.

The NAMESPACE parameter specifies the namespace in OpenShift/Kubernetes where all the monitored resources and resource to set status are located. This parameter is mandatory and does not have default value.

The CONDITION_REASON parameter specifies the name of the condition reason that is used when setting the status condition for the RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS resource. For example, ConsulServiceReadinessStatus. The default value is ServiceReadinessStatus.

The SUCCESSFUL_CONDITION_TYPE parameter specifies the condition type that is used when setting the successful status condition for the RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS resource. For example, Success. The default value is Successful.

The FAILED_CONDITION_TYPE parameter specifies the condition type that is used when setting the failed status condition for the RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS resource. For example, Fail. The default value is Failed.

The POD_READINESS_TIMEOUT parameter specifies the timeout in seconds that the Deployment Status Provisioner waits for each of the monitored resources to be ready or completed. The default value is 300.

The CR_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT parameter specifies the timeout in seconds the Deployment Status Provisioner waits for each of the monitored custom resources to have successful or failed status. The default value is 300.

The INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE parameter specifies the characteristics of the resource which the status of integration tests execution is stored in. This parameter value should consist of four parts separated by space: resource group, version, plural and its name. For example, if you want to read the integration tests status from Deployment named consul-integration-tests-runner, the value should look like apps v1 deployments consul-integration-tests-runner. This parameter should be specified only if you want the result of the integration tests to get inside the final cluster status.

The INTEGRATION_TESTS_CONDITION_REASON parameter specifies the name of the condition reason which meets the condition with the result of the integration tests in the INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE resource. The default value is IntegrationTestsExecutionStatus. This parameter is meaningless without INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE parameter.

The INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUCCESSFUL_CONDITION_TYPE parameter specifies the condition type which corresponds to the successful result of the integration tests in the status condition of the INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE resource. The default value is Ready. This parameter is meaningless without INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE parameter.

The INTEGRATION_TESTS_TIMEOUT parameter specifies the timeout in seconds that the Deployment Status Provisioner waits for successful or failed status condition in the INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE resource. The default value is 300. This parameter is meaningless without INTEGRATION_TESTS_RESOURCE parameter.

The TREAT_STATUS_AS_FIELD parameter specifies whether resource status should be treated as field. It is necessary when initially RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS does not have Status sub-resource. In that case status is set as a field to chosen resource. For example, it may be applicable for some of custom resources. The default value is False.


Deployment Status Provisioner job with only required environment variables looks like the follows:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: my-status-provisioner
  labels: {{ .Release.Name }}
      name: my-status-provisioner
        component: status-provisioner
      restartPolicy: Never
      serviceAccountName: my-status-provisioner
        - name: status-provisioner
          imagePullPolicy: "Always"
            - name: NAMESPACE
                  fieldPath: metadata.namespace
            - name: MONITORED_RESOURCES
              value: "Deployment backup-daemon, StatefulSet server, Job server-acl-init"
            - name: RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS
              value: "batch v1 jobs my-status-provisioner"
              memory: "50Mi"
              cpu: "50m"
              memory: "50Mi"
              cpu: "50m"

NOTE: You cannot use artifactory Docker images in your Helm templates due to external environments, it is necessary to use DeploymentDescriptor values and to add deployment status provisioner to dependencies. For example:

  - type: find-latest-deployment-descriptor
    repo: PROD.Platform.Streaming/deployment-status-provisioner
    location: 0.0.16
    docker-image-id: timestamp
    deploy-param: deploymentStatusProvisioner

You should also create Service Account, Role Binding and Role with permissions that allow Deployment Status Provisioner to work with your monitored resources.

Deployment Status Provisioner role should allow to get statuses for all resources that are specified in the MONITORED_RESOURCES parameter. In addition, the role should give permissions to get and patch status for the resource from RESOURCE_TO_SET_STATUS parameter. So, according to the configured Deployment Status Provisioner job, the role should look like this:

kind: Role
  name: my-status-provisioner
  - apiGroups:
      - apps
      - deployments/status
      - statefulsets/status
      - get
  - apiGroups:
      - batch
      - jobs/status
      - get
      - patch

And the following deployment-configuration.json can be used:

    "resourceType": "job.batch",
    "resourceName": "my-status-provisioner",
    "statusPath": "$.status.conditions[?(@.type=='Successful')]",
    "statusPathFail": "$.status.conditions[?(@.type=='Failed')]",
    "timeout": "${ CUSTOM_TIMEOUT_MIN ? CUSTOM_TIMEOUT_MIN : '10' }"

The example of status subresource:

    - lastTransitionTime: 2023-10-31 07:45:28.487195606 +0000 UTC m=+74.412108827
      message: The deployment readiness status check is successful
      reason: ServiceReadinessStatus
      status: 'True'
      type: Successful

A complete example can be found in Consul Service Templates.