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02. Creating a Canvas

Robert Blackhart edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Creating a Canvas

The first thing you'll want to do when starting a new p5.js application is to create a canvas to draw on. A canvas in the HTML world is is an element which can be used to display graphics drawn by JavaScript programs. You can see more information here

In our program, we want to create the canvas once so we're going to modify the setup() function and add a call to the p5.js function called createCanvas():

function setup() {
    // code run once at the beginning of the game
    createCanvas(730, 546);

function draw() {
    // code run on each frame of the game

If we were to refresh our browser window now, we'd still see almost nothing. However, the new thing we've created is invisible. If we opened the developer tools, we'd be able to see that there has indeed been a new <canvas> element created in our document and that it has the same size as what we specified in our script:

blank canvas

In the next section, we'll find out how to start making changes to the canvas on each loop of our program.

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