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Releases: Net-Http-OData/Net.Http.OData

Net.Http.OData 5.1.0

05 May 15:20
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This release contains the following:


#10 - Add support for the time function in OData 4.0
#11 - Add support for the totalseconds function in OData 4.0
#12 - Add details to ODataError
#13 - Set the ODataException.Target to an appropriate value

API Changes

+ public class ODataErrorDetail
+ public class ODataPropertyNames


+ public IEnumerable<ODataErrorDetail> Details { get; set; }


- public static ODataErrorContent Create(int code, string message, string target)
+ public static ODataErrorContent Create(int code, string message, string target, IEnumerable<ODataErrorDetail> details = null)


- public static ODataException BadRequest(string message)
- public static ODataException NotAcceptable(string message)
- public static ODataException NotImplemented(string message)
- public static ODataException PreconditionFailed(string message)
- public static ODataException UnsupportedMediaType(string message)
+ public static ODataException BadRequest(string message, string target = null, ODataException innerException = null)
+ public static ODataException NotAcceptable(string message, string target = null, ODataException innerException = null)
+ public static ODataException NotImplemented(string message, string target = null, ODataException innerException = null)
+ public static ODataException PreconditionFailed(string message, string target = null, ODataException innerException = null)
+ public static ODataException UnsupportedMediaType(string message, string target = null, ODataException innerException = null)
+ public ODataErrorDetail ToODataErrorDetail()



+ Time
+ TotalSeconds

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Net.Http.OData 5.0.1

06 Apr 10:54
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This release contains the following:


#3 - Boolean values in the CSDL which are calculated are cased incorrectly
#4 - NaN, INF and -INF are not handled
#8 - HTTP 406 Not Acceptable should be used instead of 415 Media Type Not Supported when validating ACCEPT header


#5 - Add additional unit tests based upon the ABNF test cases
#6 - Implement caching for PropertyPaths
#7 - Optimise the token definitions in Lexer

API Changes


+static ODataException NotAcceptable(string message)

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Net.Http.OData 5.0.0

25 Mar 15:00
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The initial migration from Net.Http.WebApi.OData 4.2.1 to contain the core OData classes and has some enhancements and breaking changes.

  • Added a .NET Standard 2.0 build
  • Added support for nested property paths in $select, $format and $orderby
  • Optimised string parsing, reduced some use of substrings & concatenation
  • Library is JSON only, some parts did work with XML but not completely so removed XML for the time being
  • Added a generic implementation of ConstantNode as ConstantNode<T> which can be used to avoid boxing/unboxing if the value is a value type (struct).
  • DateTimeOffset now assumes Universal instead of Local, configurable via Net.Http.OData.Query.Parsers.ParserSettings.DateTimeStyles

API Changes

+ public sealed class ODataError
+ public sealed class ODataErrorContent
- public static class ODataHeaderNames
+ public static class ODataRequestHeaderNames
+ public static class ODataResponseHeaderNames
+ public sealed class ODataServiceOptions
+ public static class ODataUtility
+ public sealed class ODataVersion


- string Code { get; }
- string Message { get; }
- string Target { get; }
+ string Code { get; set; }
+ string Message { get; set; }
+ string Target { get; set; }


- private ODataErrorContent(ODataError error)
- ODataError Error { get; }
+ ODataError Error { get; set; }
+ static ODataErrorContent Create(int code, string message)


- public ODataException(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string message)
- public ODataException(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string message, string target)
+ public ODataException(string message, HttpStatusCode statusCode)
+ public ODataException(string message, HttpStatusCode statusCode, string target)
+ static ODataException BadRequest(string message)
+ static ODataException NotImplemented(string message)
+ static ODataException PreconditionFailed(string message)
+ static ODataException UnsupportedMediaType(string message)
+ ODataErrorContent ToODataErrorContent()


- public ODataRequestOptions(Uri dataServiceUri, ODataIsolationLevel isolationLevel, ODataMetadataLevel metadataLevel)
+ public ODataRequestOptions(Uri serviceRootUri, ODataIsolationLevel isolationLevel, ODataMetadataLevel metadataLevel, ODataVersion odataVersion, ODataVersion odataMaxVersion)
- Uri DataServiceUri { get; }
+ ODataVersion ODataMaxVersion { get; }
+ ODataVersion ODataVersion { get; }
+ Uri ServiceRootUri { get; }


- public ODataResponseContent(Uri context, object value)
- public ODataResponseContent(Uri context, object value, int? count)
- public ODataResponseContent(Uri context, object value, int? count, Uri nextLink)
- Uri Context { get; }
- int? Count { get; }
- Uri NextLink { get; }
- object Value { get; }
+ string Context { get; set; }
+ long? Count { get; set; }
+ string NextLink { get; set; }
+ object Value { get; set; }


Some classes within Net.Http.WebApi.OData.Model moved to Net.Http.OData.Model (within Net.Http.OData 5.0.0)

+ public static class ServiceDocumentProvider
+ public static class XmlMetadataProvider


All classes within Net.Http.WebApi.OData.Model moved to Net.Http.OData.Model (within Net.Http.OData 5.0.0)


+ PropertyInfo ClrProperty { get; }


- static EdmType GetEdmType(string edmTypeName)


- IReadOnlyCollection<string> FilterFunctions { get; }
- IReadOnlyCollection<string> SupportedFormats { get; }
+ EntitySet EntitySetForPath(string path)
- bool IsEntitySet(EdmType edmType)


+ public EntityDataModelBuilder(IEqualityComparer<string> entitySetNameComparer)
- void RegisterEntitySet<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> entityKeyExpression)
- void RegisterEntitySet<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> entityKeyExpression, Capabilities capabilities)
- void RegisterEntitySet<T>(string entitySetName, Expression<Func<T, object>> entityKeyExpression)
+ EntityDataModelBuilder RegisterEntitySet<T>(string entitySetName, Expression<Func<T, object>> entityKeyExpression)
- void RegisterEntitySet<T>(string entitySetName, Expression<Func<T, object>> entityKeyExpression, Capabilities capabilities)
+ EntityDataModelBuilder RegisterEntitySet<T>(string entitySetName, Expression<Func<T, object>> entityKeyExpression, Capabilities capabilities)


All classes within Net.Http.WebApi.OData.Query not specific to ASP.NET WebApi moved to Net.Http.OData.Query (within Net.Http.OData 5.0.0)


- public ODataQueryOptions(HttpRequestMessage request, EntitySet entitySet)
+ public ODataQueryOptions(string query, EntitySet entitySet, IODataQueryOptionsValidator validator)
- HttpRequestMessage Request { get; }
- string Search { get; }
+ SearchQueryOption Search { get; }
+ void Validate(ODataValidationSettings validationSettings)


Removed, instance validate method added to ODataQueryOptions and IODataQueryOptionsValidator supplied via ODataQueryOptions constructor.


- EdmProperty Property { get; }
+ PropertyPath PropertyPath { get; }


Added to make search equal to other query options in ODataQueryOptions


- IReadOnlyList<EdmProperty> Properties { get; }
+ IReadOnlyList<PropertyPath> PropertyPaths { get; }


All classes within Net.Http.WebApi.OData.Query.Binders moved to Net.Http.OData.Query.Binders (within Net.Http.OData 5.0.0)


- abstract void Bind(EdmProperty edmProperty)
+ abstract void Bind(PropertyPath propertyPath)


All classes within Net.Http.WebApi.OData.Query.Expressions moved to Net.Http.OData.Query.Expressions (within Net.Http.OData 5.0.0)


- EdmProperty Property { get; }
+ PropertyPath PropertyPath { get; }


+ public static class ParserSettings