Multi-purpose byte array serialization lib for C++ classes or any type of data.
This lib provide a way to easily serialize classes for networking purpose or to save them into binary file (even though you're probably better using json or xml in this case)
Here is a quick example of how the serialization process works
#include "bas.hpp"
#include <string>
class SerializablePerson : public bas::Serializable { // inherit from the Serializable class
SerializablePerson(const std::string& name, int age)
: name(name)
, age(age)
~SerializablePerson() = default;
// this function contains the serialization process of your class
void makeSerialization(bas::SerializedObject& obj) override
// this function contains the unserialization process of your class
void makeUnserialization(bas::SerializedObject& obj) override
name = obj.popData<std::string>();
age = obj.popData<int>();
std::string name;
int age;
int main(void)
SerializablePerson person1("David", 32);
SerializablePerson person2("Robert", 45);
bas::SerializedObject obj;
obj = person1.serialize(); // Use serialize() and not makeSerialization()
person2.unserialize(obj); // Use unserialize() and not makeUnserialization()
// person2 is now a copy of person1
return 0;
let's consider this simple json payload:
{"data1":[25565,42069,12675,162,1325465],"data2":"I'm a string data."}
This json payload is 63 Bytes long. Now let's look at the payload of a serialized object equivalent to this json snippet:
The serialized object payload is much smaller in most cases.
/!\ the following assumptions haven't been tested yet, they're assumptions /!\
Since the ByteArraySerialization lib does not parse, expect the process of serialization/unserialization to be much faster than json/xml.
The payload of the serialized object isn't nearly as flexible as it's usual json alternatives.
For now the ByteArraySerialization lib is only available for c++.
git clone
cd ByteArraySerialisation
cp include/bas.hpp the/path/to/your/poject's/include/folder
Since this lib is header only and fits into one file, using it is a simple as grabbing the bas.hpp file and add it into your include path of your project and it's ready to go.
Here is a link to the documentation of the project.
- Unit Tests
- Make a release and versionning stuff
- Test speed against xml/json