JSim is a Java-based simulation system for building quantitative numeric models and analyzing them with respect to experimental reference data. JSim's primary focus is in physiology and biomedicine, however its computational engine is quite general and applicable to a wide range of scientific domains. JSim models may intermix ODEs, PDEs, implicit equations, integrals, summations, discrete events and procedural code as appropriate. JSim's model compiler can automatically insert conversion factors for compatible physical units as well as detect and reject unit unbalanced equations. JSim also imports and exports model archive formats SBML and CellML.
Please see http://www.physiome.org/jsim/ for more information.
This repository contains the JSim 2.0 source distribution. Use of this source code is governed by the terms of the JSim 2.0 license agreement which may be found in the file license.html within the distribution root directory (/SRC2.0/).
Information on the contents of this distribution and how to build it may be found in the on-line JSim documentation set: https://github.com/NSR-Physiome/JSim/wiki/Building-JSim-from-source or: http://www.physiome.org/jsim/docs/Devel_Build.html
JSim Binaries for MS Windows, Apple OS, and CentOS EL 6/7 can be found at: