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Update2024 #9

merged 17 commits into from
Apr 22, 2024
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,18 @@
/* read in and store the MRIP location stuff. Put it in the file ma_site_allocation.dta */
odbc load, exec("select site_id, stock_region_calc from recdbs.mrip_ma_site_list;") $myNEFSC_USERS_conn;
#delimit cr
save "${data_raw}/ma_site_allocation.dta", replace
odbc load, exec("select site_id, stock_region_calc from recdbs.mrip_ma_site_list;") $mysole_conn;

/* will need to switch the connection string to $myNEFSC_USERS_conn soon */

/* patch in the extra site_id */

qui count;
local newobs=`r(N)'+1;
set obs `newobs';

replace site_id=4434 if site_id==.;
replace stock_region_calc="NORTH" if site_id==4434;

save "${data_raw}/ma_site_allocation.dta", replace;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* after running do $BLAST_MRIP */
/* get the mass location data from oracle */

*do ${extraction_code}/
do ${extraction_code}/

/* copying over partial years of data */
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
/* This is a file that produces a dataset that contains #of fish encountered per trip.
This is a port of Scott's ""

This is a template program for estimating length frequencies
using the MRIP public-use datasets.

The program is setup to use information in the trip_yyyyw
dataset to define custom domains. The length frequencies are
estimated within the domains by merging the trip information onto
the size_yyyyw datasets.

Required input datasets:

It looks like we also need to port cod_domain_length_freqs_b2_by_wave_gom_2013 as well

There will be one output per variable and year in working directory:


/* General strategy
COMPUTE totals and std deviations for cod catch

mata: mata clear

tempfile tl1 sl1

foreach file in $triplist{
append using ${data_raw}/`file'
capture drop $drop_conditional

replace var_id=strat_id if strmatch(var_id,"")
sort year strat_id psu_id id_code
/* Deal with new variable names in the transition period


capture confirm variable wp_int_chts
if _rc==0{
drop wp_int
rename wp_int_chts wp_int
capture confirm variable wp_size_chts
if _rc==0{
drop wp_size
rename wp_size_chts wp_size
save `tl1'

foreach file in $b2list{
append using ${data_raw}/`file'
cap drop $drop_conditional
/* Deal with new variable names in the transition period */

capture confirm variable wp_int_chts
if _rc==0{
drop wp_int
rename wp_int_chts wp_int
capture confirm variable wp_size_chts
if _rc==0{
drop wp_size
rename wp_size_chts wp_size


capture confirm variable wp_catch_chts
if _rc==0{
drop wp_catch
rename wp_catch_chts wp_catch


sort year strat_id psu_id id_code
replace common=subinstr(lower(common)," ","",.)
save `sl1'

use `tl1'
merge 1:m year strat_id psu_id id_code using `sl1', keep(1 3)
drop _merge
keep if year==$working_year

/* ensure that domain is sub_reg=4 (New England), relevant states (MA, NH, ME), mode_fx =123, 457 */
keep if sub_reg==4
keep if st==23 | st==33 |st==25

/*This is the "full" mrip data */
tempfile tc1
save `tc1'

/*classify as GOM or GB based on the ma_site_allocation.dta file */
rename intsite site_id
sort site_id

merge m:1 site_id using "${data_raw}/ma_site_allocation.dta", keepusing(stock_region_calc)
rename site_id intsite
drop if _merge==2
drop _merge

/*classify into GOM or GBS */
gen str3 area_s="OTH"

replace area_s="GOM" if st==23 | st==33
replace area_s="GOM" if st==25 & strmatch(stock_region_calc,"NORTH")
replace area_s="GBS" if st==25 & strmatch(stock_region_calc,"SOUTH")

/* classify catch into the things I care about (common==$mycommon) and things I don't care about "ZZZZZZZZ" */
gen common_dom="Z"
if strmatch("$my_common","atlanticcod")==1{
replace common_dom="C" if strmatch(sp_code,"8791030402")

if strmatch("$my_common","haddock")==1{
replace common_dom="H" if strmatch(sp_code,"8791031301")

tostring wave, gen(w2)
tostring year, gen(year2)

destring month, gen(mymo)
drop month
tostring mymo, gen(month)
drop mymo

tostring year, gen(myy)

/* l_in_bin already defined
gen l_in_bin=floor(lngth*0.03937) */

/* this might speed things up if I re-classify all length=0 for the species I don't care about */
replace l_in_bin=0 if strmatch(common_dom, "Z")==1

sort year w2 strat_id psu_id id_code

/* use unweighted for atlantic cod lengths */
if "$my_common"=="atlanticcod"{
svyset psu_id, strata(var_id) singleunit(certainty)
gen open=inlist(month,"9","10")

if "$my_common"=="haddock"{
svyset psu_id [pweight= wp_size], strata(var_id) singleunit(certainty)
gen open=!inlist(month,"3")


tostring open, gen(myo)

gen my_dom_id_string=common_dom+"_"+area_s+"_"+myo

local myv l_in_bin

svy: tab `myv' my_dom_id_string, count
/*save some stuff
matrix of proportions, row names, column names, estimate of total population size*/
mat eP=e(Prop)
mat eR=e(Row)'
mat eC=e(Col)
local PopN=e(N_pop)

local mycolnames: colnames(eC)
mat colnames eP=`mycolnames'

/*read the eP into a dataset and convert proportion of population into numbers*/
svmat eP, names(col)
foreach var of varlist *{
replace `var'=`var'*`PopN'
/*read in the "row" */
svmat eR
order eR
rename eR `myv'

keep `myv' *GOM*
drop *Z_*
gen year=$working_year

qui desc

foreach var of varlist *GOM*{
tokenize `var', parse("_")
rename `var' `3'_`5'
reshape long GOM_, i(year l_in_bin) j(oo)
rename GOM_ count
gen str6 open="OPEN" if oo==1
replace open="CLOSED" if oo==0

sort year open l_in_bin
order year open l_in_bin
drop oo

save "$my_outputdir/$my_common`myv'_b2_OpenClose_${working_year}.dta", replace

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,6 +167,13 @@ replace l_in_bin=0 if strmatch(common_dom, "Z")==1
sort year w2 strat_id psu_id id_code
svyset psu_id [pweight= wp_size], strata(var_id) singleunit(certainty)

/* use unweighted for atlantic cod lengths */
if "$my_common"=="atlanticcod"{
svyset psu_id, strata(var_id) singleunit(certainty)

local myv l_in_bin

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,10 +201,12 @@ svyset psu_id [pweight= wp_int], strata(var_id) singleunit(certainty)
sort my_dom_id year strat_id psu_id id_code
local myvariables dtrip
local i=1
local i=0
/* total with over(<overvar>) requires a numeric variable */

foreach var of local myvariables{
local ++i

svy: total `var', over(my_dom_id)

mat b`i'=e(b)'
Expand All @@ -213,9 +215,7 @@ foreach var of local myvariables{
mat sub`i'=vecdiag(V)'
mat colnames sub`i'=variance

local ++i
local --i
sort my_dom_id year
duplicates drop my_dom_id, force
keep my_dom_id year area_s month dom_id
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@

global cod_lwa 0.000005132
global cod_lwb 3.1625
global had_lwa 0.000009298
global had_lwe 3.0205
global lngcat_offset_cod 0.5
global lngcat_offset_haddock 0.5
global mt_to_kilo=1000
global kilo_to_lbs=2.20462262
global cm_to_inch=0.39370787
global mortality_release=0.15

use "$annual/cod_size_class_OpenClose_$this_working_year.dta" if open=="OPEN", clear
expand 2 , gen(mark)
gen month=9
replace month=10 if mark==1

drop mark
tempfile open
save `open'

use "$annual/cod_size_class_OpenClose_$this_working_year.dta" if open=="CLOSED", clear
expand 12
bysort year open lngcat: gen month=_n
drop if inlist(month,9,10)

append using `open'

drop count
bysort year month open: egen tab1=total(ab1_count)
bysort year month open: egen tb2=total(b2_count)

gen prob_ab1=ab1_count/tab1
gen prob_b2=b2_count/tb2

keep year month open lngcat prob*

tempfile lengths
save `lengths', replace

use "${monthlydir}\atlanticcod_catch_$this_working_year.dta", clear
gen ab1=claim+harvest
rename release b2

gen str6 open="OPEN" if inlist(month,"09","10")
replace open="CLOSED" if open==""
destring month, replace
keep year month ab1 b2 open
merge 1:m year month open using `lengths', keep(1 3)
gen ab1_count=ab1*prob_ab1
gen b2_count=b2*prob_b2
keep year month lngcat open ab1_count b2_count
sort year month open lngcat

gen weight_per_fish= $kilo_to_lbs*$cod_lwa*((lngcat+.5)/$cm_to_inch)^$cod_lwb
gen ab1mt=weight_per_fish*ab1_count/($mt_to_kilo*$kilo_to_lbs)
gen b2mt=weight_per_fish*b2_count/($mt_to_kilo*$kilo_to_lbs)

collapse (sum) ab1_count b2_count ab1mt b2mt , by(year month)

gen b2dead_mt=b2mt*$mortality_release

format ab1_count b2_count %10.0fc

format b2mt ab1mt b2dead_mt %6.2fc

save "$annual\atlanticcod_weights_OpenClose_${this_working_year}.dta", replace
