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Ecomon + NRHA
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gambler1650 committed Aug 15, 2024
1 parent ad48bde commit 98f0d53
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Showing 3 changed files with 321 additions and 0 deletions.
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions get_thresholds_NRHA_Ecomon.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# Use pulled survdat.rds file to get environmental thresholds for Atlantis groups

# Temporal and spatial bounds

isWithinBounds <- function(CTD_loc,p1_loc,SPATIAL_BOUND) {

distance <- distm(CTD_loc,p1_loc,fun=distGeo) * 0.000621371
if (distance <= SPATIAL_BOUND) {
} else {

convertCTDdate <- function(date) {
split.points <- c(4,6,8)
converted_date <- substring(date,c(1,split.points + 1), c(split.points, nchar(date)))
converted_date <- as.Date(paste(converted_date[1],"-",converted_date[2],"-",converted_date[3],sep=""))

TEMPORAL_BOUND <- 14 # days
SPATIAL_BOUND <- 5 # miles
# Get output data
NRHA_dt <-read.csv(here("data","NRHA_data.csv"))
CTD_dt <-read.csv(here("data","CTD_data.csv"))

# create empty dts to be filled for later analysts
rows_CTD_dt <- nrow(CTD_dt)
surfbot_dt <- CTD_dt[-c(1:rows_CTD_dt),]
nearest_dt <- surfbot_dt

# create list of uniqueIDs for CTD casts
uniqueID_list <- unique(CTD_dt$UniqueID)[]

# Make temporary data structure with just first (surface) and last (bottom) records,
# and add the first row to nearest_dt and the first and last to to surfbot_dt

numCasts <- length(uniqueID_list)

for(i in 1:numCasts) {
temp_dt <- filter(CTD_dt, UniqueID == uniqueID_list[i])
nearest_dt <- rbind(nearest_dt,temp_dt[1,])
surfbot_dt <- rbind(surfbot_dt,temp_dt[1,])
surfbot_dt <- rbind(surfbot_dt,temp_dt[nrow(temp_dt),])

surfbot_dt_old <- surfbot_dt
nearest_dt_old <- nearest_dt

nearest_dt <- mutate(nearest_dt, DATE = convertCTDdate(Date))
surfbot_dt$Date <- convertCTDdate(surfbot_dt$Date)

surfbot_numRows <- nrow(surfbot_dt)

newDates <- c(convertCTDdate(surfbot_dt$Date[1]))
for (i in 2:surfbot_numRows) {
newDate <- convertCTDdate(surfbot_dt$Date[i])
newDates <- append(newDates,newDate)

surfbot_dt$Date <- newDates
atlantis_groups_dt <- read.csv(here("inputs","atlantis_codes_svspp_survey_thresholds.csv"))

# Modify data tables for ease of use
colnames(atlantis_groups_dt)[2] <- "COMNAME"
atlantis_groups_dt <- group_by(atlantis_groups_dt,Code)

atlantis_NRHA_dt <- inner_join(NRHA_dt,atlantis_groups_dt,by="COMNAME")

atlantis_NRHA_tows_dt <- unique(select(atlantis_NRHA_dt,DATE,Start_Lat,Start_Lon))

atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfTEMP <- NA
atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottTEMP <- NA
atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfSALIN <- NA
atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottSALIN <- NA

# Convert date columns to date object
atlantis_NRHA_dt$DATE <- as.Date(atlantis_NRHA_dt$DATE)

numRecords <- nrow(atlantis_NRHA_dt)

for (n in 1:numRecords) {
loc_tow <- c(atlantis_NRHA_dt$Start_Lat[n], atlantis_NRHA_dt$Start_Lon[n])
date_tow <- as.Date(atlantis_NRHA_dt$DATE[n])

min_date <- date_tow - TEMPORAL_BOUND
max_date <- date_tow + TEMPORAL_BOUND

min_lat <- atlantis_NRHA_dt$Start_Lat[n] - 0.2
max_lat <- atlantis_NRHA_dt$Start_Lat[n] + 0.2
min_lon <- atlantis_NRHA_dt$Start_Lon[n] - 0.2
max_lon <- atlantis_NRHA_dt$Start_Lon[n] + 0.2

surfbot_dt_filtered <- filter(surfbot_dt, Date >= min_date & Date <= max_date)
surfbot_dt_filtered <- filter(surfbot_dt_filtered, Latitude >= min_lat & Latitude <= max_lat & Longitude >= min_lon & Longitude <= max_lon)
numCasts <- nrow(surfbot_dt_filtered)

if (numCasts > 0) {
for (i in 1:numCasts) {
loc_ctd <- c(surfbot_dt_filtered$Latitude[i], surfbot_dt_filtered$Longitude[i])
if (isWithinBounds(loc_tow,loc_ctd,SPATIAL_BOUND)) {
print("Within Bounds")
atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfTEMP[n] <- surfbot_dt_filtered$Temperature[i]
atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfSALIN[n] <- surfbot_dt_filtered$Salinity[i]
i <- i + 1
atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottTEMP[n] <- surfbot_dt_filtered$Temperature[i]
atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottSALIN[n] <- surfbot_dt_filtered$Salinity[i]
} else {
i <- i + 1


# The data includes a lot of 0's in the surface temperature data and some above 40 (104 F)
# for the surface temperature data. This constricts the ranges to exclude 0's and temperatures above 40.

atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottTEMP[(atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottTEMP == 0) | (atlantis_NRHA_dt$BottTEMP > 40)] <- NA
atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfTEMP[(atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfTEMP == 0) | (atlantis_NRHA_dt$SurfTEMP > 40)] <- NA

atlantis_NRHA_summary_table <- group_by(atlantis_NRHA_dt,Code,SEASON)
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON <- summarise(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table, min_bottom_temp = min(BottTEMP, na.rm=T), max_bottom_temp = max(BottTEMP, na.rm=T),
min_surface_temp = min(SurfTEMP,na.rm=T), max_surface_temp = max(SurfTEMP,na.rm=T),
min_bottom_sal = min(BottSALIN,na.rm=T), max_bottom_sal = max(BottSALIN,na.rm=T),
min_surface_sal = min(SurfSALIN,na.rm=T), max_surface_sal = max(SurfSALIN,na.rm=T))

atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES <- group_by(atlantis_NRHA_dt,Code)
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES <- summarise(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES, min_bottom_temp = min(BottTEMP, na.rm=T), max_bottom_temp = max(BottTEMP, na.rm=T),
min_surface_temp = min(SurfTEMP,na.rm=T), max_surface_temp = max(SurfTEMP,na.rm=T),
min_bottom_sal = min(BottSALIN,na.rm=T), max_bottom_sal = max(BottSALIN,na.rm=T),
min_surface_sal = min(SurfSALIN,na.rm=T), max_surface_sal = max(SurfSALIN,na.rm=T))

# Removes infinity values from the outputs and sets to NA
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$min_bottom_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$min_bottom_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$min_bottom_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$max_bottom_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$max_bottom_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$max_bottom_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$min_surface_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$min_surface_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$min_surface_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$max_surface_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$max_surface_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SEASON$max_surface_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'

atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$min_bottom_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$min_bottom_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$min_bottom_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$max_bottom_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$max_bottom_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$max_bottom_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$min_surface_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$min_surface_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$min_surface_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'
atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$max_surface_sal[(atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$max_surface_sal == 'Inf') | (atlantis_NRHA_summary_table_SPECIES$max_surface_sal == '-Inf')] <- 'NA'

34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions thresholds/group_thresholds_NRHA_ecomon.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions thresholds/seasonal_thresholds_NRHA_ecomon.csv
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@

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