Welcome to C#(CSharp) homework Track. This Track From Exercism Website is Completed By @N4193 ([email protected])
This is a simple C# folder with my homework to proof my skill to myself.☺ One folder a time you can test the code by using the "dotnet test" command
some folder to learn C# lang
- annalyns-infiltration -> Opperator "&&" and "||"
- attack-of-the-trolls -> C# Attribute
- bird-watcher -> Array[]
- booking-up-for-beauty -> DateTime & Parse()
- calculator-conundrum -> execption & try | catch
- cars-assemble -> Comparator & Logic algorithm
- developer-privileges -> /!\Object Initializers
- faceid-2 -> /!\Class |record |struct
- football-match-reports -> switch
- hello-world -> The first one you know ♥
- hyper-optimized-telemetry -> integer.MinValue/.MaxValue
- interest-is-interesting -> Float variable & While() loop
- International Calling Connoisseur -> Dictionaries
- leap -> algo reflecrion and short if?yes:no
- log-analysis -> String type & Split()
- log-levels -> String type & Trim(),IndexOf()
- logs-logs-logs -> enum & more split train
- lucians-luscious-lasagna -> Int type & Logic algorithm
- motorbike -> Todo ,not implemented now
- need-for-speed -> class & constructor
- phone-number-analysis -> Analyse Array[] & Split()
- Remote Control Competition -> Interfaces
- ReverseString -> String & Arrays[] & loop & more
- roll-the-die -> Random()
- RotationalCipher -> The Caesar cipher algoritme !☺
- SecureMunchesterUnited -> operator "is" to compare classObject
- squeaky-clean -> Char & StringBluider()
- the-weather-in-deather -> Factor a lot the code !
- tim-from-marketing -> nullable type + StringBluider()
- todoListProject -> Comming soon
- WeighingMachine -> class proprety{get;set}
- wizard-and-warriors -> Class and Inheritance
- wizards-and-warriors-2 -> Method overloading & default value
- @N4193
- @yzAlvin
- @ErikSchierboom
- @valentin-p
- @mikedamay
- @j2jensen
- @robkeim
- @maurelio1234
- @aage
- @sanderploegsma
- @bressain
- @jwood803
- @kytrinyx
- @NextNebula
- @wolf99
- @sanderploegsma
//sorry for ppl i forget here i love you a lot ♥
class :
->var person = new Person{Name="The President", Address = "Élysée Palace", ect};
Collection :
IList<Person> people = new List<Person>{ new Person(), new Person{Name="Joe Shmo"}};
Dictionary :
->IDictionary<int, string> numbers = new Dictionary<int, string>{ [0] = "zero", [1] = "one"...};
//output the proprety "year" from Variable "toto"
//output the type of the proprety "year" from Variable "toto"
//factor little if statement for return
//memo : is_this_condition_true ? yes : no
condition ? consequent : alternative
I build lil dirty tool to scan _CHANGE_ME proprety & method() /!\
object MyVarToInspect = _CHANGE_ME;
if (MyVarToInspect == null) Console.WriteLine("null object");
Console.WriteLine($"object: {MyVarToInspect}");
var type = MyVarToInspect.GetType();
foreach (var method in type.GetMethods())
Console.WriteLine($"Method: {method.Name}()");
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string))
var value = prop.GetValue(MyVarToInspect)?.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
Console.WriteLine($"valeurs : {value}");