This Bakery Management System is a C++ console application designed to manage a bakery's menu items and handle user interactions like authentication and purchasing. The system supports different bakery categories, including breads, with functionalities to display menus, select items, and calculate prices.
User Authentication: Supports login functionality with username and password validation. Menu Categories: Includes various categories (like breads) with a list of items and their respective prices. Dynamic Pricing: Allows users to choose items and calculates the total price based on selections. Modular Design: The system is structured with object-oriented principles, utilizing inheritance for menu handling.
##Technologies Used C++: The entire application is developed in C++ using object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts. Windows API: Uses the windows.h library for console text formatting. File Handling: Includes basic file I/O functionality to store and retrieve user data.
Clone the repository: bash Copy code git clone Compile the code using a C++ compiler, such as g++: bash Copy code g++ -o bakery_app bakery_app.cpp Run the executable: bash Copy code ./bakery_app
User Class: Handles user data (username, password) and authentication logic. Bakery Class: Serves as a base class for different bakery item categories. Breads Class: Derived from Bakery, it manages a specific menu of bread items. Future Enhancements Extend menu categories to include pastries, beverages, and cakes. Add a shopping cart feature for multiple item purchases. Implement a database for persistent user and order data.