(formerlly KPH Tracker)
A simple plugin which tracks your kills per hour at various bossess.
Please note this plugin is in its first iteration 🔹 (Beta) and there is likely to be a bug here and there as its difficult to test all scenarios on every boss. PLEASE let me know if you find any bugs, it will be very much appreciated!
I have a number of features I plan on adding and over the coming weeks including improved support and calculation methods for non-time displaying bosses. If there is anything you think would be a good addition to the plugin feel free to join the Discord and send me a message.
The best way to get support, report an issue or give a suggestion is to join the Discord!
Alternatively feel free to leave a comment or open an issue on GitHub
Currently the plugin has full support for the following bosses:
Theater of Blood & HM
Chambers of Xeric & CM
Alchemical Hydra
Grotesque Guardians
The Gauntlet & Corrupted
Thermonuclear smoke devil
Chaos Fanatic
Crazy archaeologist
King Black Dragon
Chaos Elemental
Giant Mole
Dagannoth Kings
Kalphite Queen
Commander Zilyana
General Graardor
K'ril Tsutsaroth
Corporeal Beast
Abyssal Sire
Special Bosses:
Dagannoth Kings
*These bosses use special mechanics and may not work perfectly -
Currently The plugin does not have support for:
Penance Queen
- !info- This will output your current (or previous if no current session) sessions info into the chatbox.
- !end- This will end your session
- !pause- This will pause your session
- !resume- This will resume your session
Display Options
Display Infobox-
If enabled a Infobox will display with your KPH in it, Hovering over the infobox will show your full session stats.
Average kill time-
If enabled plugin will display your average kill time. -
Fastest kill time-
If enabled plugin will display your fastest kill time. -
Kills this Session-
If enabled plugin will display your kills this session. -
Session Time-
If enabled plugin will display current session time. -
Idle Time-
If enabled plugin will display your idle time.
Boss Goals Settings
To set a Boss Goal right click on the Boss Goals side panel and set a goal.
To disable or reset a Boss Goal, right click on the Boss Goals side panel and reset Boss Goal.-
Display Boss Goals Overlay-
Enables the on-screen overlay for your boss goals.
Display Boss Goals Panel-
Enables the Boss Goals panel on the plugin side panel -
Display Relative Kills-
Enables displaying your boss goals relative to your kc Ex.(if your start kc and end kc are 100 kills apart it will show 0 as your start and 100 as your end) -
Boss Goals Top-
Lets your choose what to display on the top line of the on screen boss goals overaly -
Boss Goals Bottom-
Lets your choose what to display on the Bottom line of the on screen boss goals overaly
General Settings
Side Panel- Enables or Disables the side panel
- Actual- this is your bossing info clculated with idle time taken into account.
- Virtual- This is your bossing info calculated without idle time taken into account.
Side Panel Position-
Change the postion of the side panel icon on the client sidebar. Lower #'s will move it up, Higher #'s will move it down. -
Output Info-
If enabled when your session ends or switches the plugin will output a chat message to your chatbox with your last sessions information. -
Kill Duration-
If enabled when killing a Non-Display boss the plugin will calculate and output your exact kill time to the chatbox
Session Timeout-
The amount of time in minutes you want your session to stay valid for after your last kill. The timer resets each kill and setting the timeout to 0 will disable it all together. -
KPH Calc-
allows you to select the way in which your kills per hour is calculated.- Precise = the exact KPH to one decimal place
- Rounded = KPH rounded to the nearest whole number
- Round up = KPH always rounded up to the next whole number
- Traditional = Integer division (Rounded down)
Dagannoth Selector-
Allows you to choose which DK you want the plugin to track (Kings tracks all three)
Version 1.1
- Complete revamp of the way kill times are collected and calculated for Non-Display bosses.
- Addition of an optional Side Panel
- Addition of an optional Info Box display
- Addition of optional kill time tracking and fight duration output for bosses which would not ordinarily display times in chat
- Numerous small changes to naming conventions and minor fixes
Version 1.2
- Add Barrows, Vetion, Sire.
- Improve tracking for kraken
- Fix Thmery & Zilly
- fixed issue where kills would not register correctly when teleporting out at same time as kill
- a few backend fixes to make way for the next update
Version 1.3
- Fix barrows.
- Fix issue where if "set boss kill count message as spam" setting was enabled plugin would not work.
- Change panel layout, and buttons.
- Pause and resume are now one button.
- Add button to switch between virtual and actual calculation info.
- Add auto pause upon log out
- numerous backend changes to better optimize code
Version 1.4
- Add boss-info logging.
- Add boss-info lookup panel, allows you to check your boss info overtime.
- Revamp of the kcIdentification system.
- numerous backend changes to better optimize code
Version 1.4.5
- ADDED auto resume on next kill when plugin is paused
- Revamp how sessions are switched
- Remove integrity checker (not needed anymore)
Version 1.5
- ADDED Boss Goals feature
- small change to how icons are postioned
- a few small backend changes, not notable.
Version 1.6
- ADDED loot tracking
- added hm support
- a few small backend changes, not notable.