This is a repo contains my working notes about nextflow and also some useful tools(scripts) I created for it.
I mainly work with nextflow and AWS together now, so there are also some notes about Cloud Computing.
I will keep updating this repo.
- The scripts within Nextflow just like normal Linux Shell(Command Line)
- So we can invoke any languages and tools we like with nextflow.
- Linux or MacOS System
- Could also be used with Windows WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Java 8 or later
- Container (like Docker, Conda, ...)
It helps us to install all the dependencies with only ONE command
For example:
Docker pull nfcore/smrnaseq
Set up the environment with AMI(Amazon Machine Image)
- Go to ./packer for how to do this
- Do this only once
- It can persist the resources we need
- Help us to start the server conveniently in the future
Start AWS EC2 (the cloud server)
Download data from AWS S3(a Bucket)
- You need to config awscli first
- Go to AWS website for how to do this
aws s3 sync --profile=[username] s3://[data-resource-name]/ ~/data/
- You need to config awscli first
Run the pipeline:
nextflow run nf-core/rnaseq -r 3.7 -profile test,docker --input samplesheet.csv --outdir test_output
Upload the processing result to AWS S3
aws s3 sync --profile=[username] [processig-results] s3://[data-resource-name]
Stop the server
- To save money
I am still working with this
Do this via
AWS Cloudformation
It can automatically:
- Start AWS Server
- Download data
- Finish the pipeline
- Upload the result
It should be able to finish all work with the following Command:
aws cloudformation create-stack --profile=[user-name] --stack-name myVpc --template-body file://infra.yml