Got questions? Tag Stack Overflow questions with ractivejs or contact @RactiveJS on Twitter
It's a JavaScript library for building reactive user interfaces in a way that doesn't force you into a particular framework's way of thinking. Its features include...
- data-binding, with a beautiful declarative syntax
- event handling that doesn't make you tear your hair out
- flexible and performant animations and transitions
...among many others. It takes a radically different approach to DOM manipulation - one that saves both you and the browser unnecessary work.
To get a feel for how it will make your life as a web developer easier, visit, follow the interactive tutorials, or try the 60 second setup.
If you don't find what you're looking for in the docs, ask a question in Google Groups forum, Stack Overflow with the ractivejs
tag, or send a tweet to @RactiveJS.
To build the project locally, you'll need to have Grunt installed. Clone the repo, navigate to the folder, then do
$ npm install
to install all the development dependencies (which aren't included in the repo itself). Then do
$ grunt
to build the project from source, lint it, run the tests and minify the library. If all of those steps succeed, files will be created in the build
Other grunt commands available:
# Watch all source files, and rebuild when they change. This will
# only concatenate the files (it won't lint/test/minify) to the
# tmp folder
$ grunt watch:build
# Watch all source files, and transpile them to AMD when they
# change. This is useful if you want to do in-browser testing, or
# use the sandbox folder, without rebuilding each time
$ grunt watch:transpile
# Lint the source code
$ grunt jshint
# Build the code (will run jshint first)
$ grunt build
# Run tests on the build
$ grunt qunit
# Run node non-browser tests (parse and toHTML) on the concatenated code
$ grunt nodeunit
# Rebuilds the test runners when test folders and files change (based on ./test/modules)
$ grunt buildTests
# Rebuilds the tests, runs the nodeunit tests, runs the qunit tests
$ grunt test
# Release a new version of the library to the release folder
# (reads version number from package.json)
$ grunt release
Pull requests and issues are always welcome! Please read to learn how to contribute.
Tested successfully in IE8+ and all modern browsers. If your experience differs please let me know! (For legacy browser support, use the builds with legacy
in the filename - these include polyfills for Array.prototype.forEach
and other ES5 features used by Ractive.)
Copyright (c) 2012-14 Rich Harris and contributors. Released under an MIT license.