Eventralize - jQuery Events for Object Oriented JavaScript
Provide a hash of mouse/keyboard events, selectors and function names - Eventralize will do the rest.
'event' : 'functionName',
'event selector' : 'functionName',
'event selector, keydown(key) selector' : 'functionName'
}, context, 'namespace'); // <- Optional event namespace
Keep your event handling logic in one place and enable or disable everything with only a single line.
Gallery.prototype = {
events: {
'dblclick img' : 'zoom',
'click .close, keydown(esc) document' : 'close',
'click .next, keydown(right) document' : 'next',
'click .prev, keydown(left) document' : 'prev'
init: function(elem){
this.$elem = $(elem).eventralize(this.events, this);
destroy: function() {
//All functions are passed an extended 'event' object
zoom : function(event) { ... },
close : function(event) { ... },
next : function(event) { ... },
prev : function(event) { ... }
Note: While generally discouraged, it's possible to use inline functions or function variables rather a string with the function name. This may be useful for classes that consist almost entirely of event handlers, or for event handlers with only a couple lines of code. For example:
Gallery.prototype = {
events: {
'dblclick img' : function() { ... },
Bind individual key presses or combinations at the same time as your mouse events.
events: {
'click .money, keydown(shift+4) document' : 'money'
init: function(elem){
this.$elem = $(elem).eventralize(this.events, this);
money: function() {
alert('Vegas, baby!');
Bind events to the element or delegate based on your selector—or bind to the document, window or body.
events: {
'click' : 'focus',
'click .toolbar .save' : 'save',
'scroll window' : 'handleScroll',
'resize window, orientationchange document' : 'reposition'
Provide a namespace as the optional third parameter and all of your events will be correctly namespaced.
Gallery.prototype = {
events: {
init: function(elem) {
this.$elem = $(elem);
this.$elem.eventralize(this.events, this, 'gallery');
destroy: function() {
this.$elem.uneventralize(this.events, 'gallery');
All functions are passed an extended 'event' object so you don't have to repeat yourself.
zoom: function(event) {
event.eventralize; //True
event.currentTarget; //The element matching the selector
The code is compiled using CoffeeScript and minified using UglifyJS using the following commands:
coffee -c jquery.eventralize.coffee
uglifyjs -o jquery.eventralize.min.js jquery.eventralize.js
Make sure you move the copyright/license block comment to the top of the compiled and minified JavaScript files before committing.
If you want to contribute in a way that changes the API, please file an issue before submitting a pull request so we can discuss how to appropriately integrate your ideas.
Contact me on GitHub or Twitter: @markdalgleish