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Sections: Events | Callbacks | Method Variables | Method Functions
Callbacks: accepted | beforeClose | beforeInsert | beforeVisible | buildKey | canceled | change | hidden | initialized | restricted | switchInput | validate | visible
Method Variables: Objects | Values | States
Method Functions: reveal | redraw | accept | close | insertText | caret | checkCombos | checkMaxLength | getKeySet | showKeySet | reposition | toggle | destroy
Triggered Events (all event namespacing was removed in v1.21.0):
- Event called immediately after the keyboard has been initialized for the first time. -
- Event called before the keyboard is made visible, and before being positioned by the position utility (if used) -
- Event called when the virtual keyboard is visible. -
- Event called after the virtual keyboard content has been accepted or canceled (non-namespaced event). -
- Event called with every change in the virtual keyboard input (key clicked or manual input) (changed v1.21.0); this event is also fired along with the keyup and keydown events. -
- Event called when the keyboard is about to close- This event has an additional variable which indicates if the content was accepted or ignored. Example added below.
- This event occurs before the accept or cancelled events, but after the content has been validated.
- Event called when the accept button on the virtual keyboard is pressed. -
- Event called when the virtual keyboard was closed without accepting any changes. -
- Event called when the virtual keyboard is hidden. -
- Event called when the virtual keyboard loses focus but is always open (called instead ofhidden
). -
- Event called when therestrictInput
and the user types in a restricted value. -
- Event called when the user changes the keyset.
Prior to v1.21.0, the only events that did not included a
namespace were:restricted
. -
event was renamed tokeyboardChange
to prevent event conflicts.
// Using triggered events - set up to target all inputs on the page!
$('.ui-keyboard-input').bind('accepted', function(e, keyboard, el){
var txt = 'Input ID of ' + el.id + ' has the accepted content of ' + el.value;
// Binding to the "beforeClose" event - it has an extra parameter ("accepted")
$('.ui-keyboard-input').bind('beforeClose', function(e, keyboard, el, accepted){
var txt = "Virtual Keyboard for " + el.id + " is about to close, and it's contents were ";
txt += (accepted ? 'accepted' : 'ignored');
txt += '. Current content = ' + el.value;
txt += '. Original content = ' + keyboard.originalContent;
- Any of the following triggered event names can be changed by modifying the following variable (v1.20.0+):
$.keyboard.events = {
// keyboard events
kbChange : 'keyboardChange',
kbBeforeClose : 'beforeClose',
kbBeforeVisible : 'beforeVisible',
kbVisible : 'visible',
kbInit : 'initialized',
kbInactive : 'inactive',
kbHidden : 'hidden',
kbRepeater : 'repeater',
kbKeysetChange : 'keysetChange',
// input events
inputAccepted : 'accepted',
inputCanceled : 'canceled',
inputChange : 'change',
inputRestricted : 'restricted'
Please do not omit any of the definitions in the example above otherwise they will be undefined, if you only want to rename a few event names, use jQuery $.extend()
$.extend($.keyboard.events, {
kbInit : 'keyboard-has-initialized-prepare-for-world-domination',
kbVisible : 'rawr-here-we-go',
kbHidden : 'okay-maybe-next-week'
- All of the above events are triggered on the input/textarea element.
- There is one exception, the
event which is triggered on the key being held down. This allows it to repeat the key within the input/textarea.
Internally, the following callbacks are bound to the triggered event, so the function will not be executed before functions bound before the keyboard is initialized.
- accepted
- beforeClose
- beforeVisible
- canceled
- hidden
- initialized
- restricted
- visible
Most of these callbacks include the same three parameters and can be used as follows:
accepted : function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('The content "' + el.value + '" was accepted!');
- Parameters:
is the event variable -event.target
is the same object asel
. -
is the keyboard data object which you can also access using$('#keyboard').getkeyboard()
is the#keyboard
object (DOM object). Use value to get the input/textarea content. Useel.keyboard
to access the popup keyboard object.
accepted - [Function]
- This callback function is executed only after the contents of the input have been accepted.
- Therefore if the
option istrue
, this callback is always executed.
accepted : function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('The content "' + el.value + '" was accepted!');
beforeClose - [Function]
- This callback function is executed immediately before the keyboard is closed.
- If
, this callback is not used. - An extra boolean parameter
is included. It istrue
when the content has been accepted.
// Binding to the "beforeClose" event -
beforeClose : function(e, keyboard, el, accepted) {
console.log("Virtual Keyboard for " + el.id +
" is about to close, and it's contents were " +
(accepted ? 'accepted' : 'ignored') +
'. Current content = ' + el.value +
'. Original content = ' + keyboard.originalContent
beforeInsert - [Function]
This callback function (added in v1.26) allows you to intercept the value before it is inserted into the input or textarea.
This function is unlike the other callbacks (except the
callback) in that it is only a callback - there is not triggered event. -
It works for both physical and virtual typing.
The parameters include the same three passed to the triggered callbacks:
or whatever the keyBinding is set to use. -
The last parameter is the actual character(s) about to be inserted.
Always return a value from this function. It can be an alterated string or a boolean
to prevent the text from being entered.beforeInsert: function(e, keyboard, el, txt) { // replace "A" with "Z"; all other keys are returned return txt === "A" ? "Z" : txt; }
to prevent text from being inserted. -
to perform a backspace (delete the character to the left of the caret). -
to perform a delete (delete the character to the right of the caret). -
Here is a simple demo remapping qwerty to enter a Greek alphabet: https://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/xkk95vf6/
$(function() { var remapGreek = { // use key: value pairs to remap the keys "A": "Α", "B": "Β", "D": "Δ", "E": "Ε", "H": "Η", "I": "Ι", "K": "Κ", "L": "Λ", "M": "Μ", "N": "Ν", "O": "Ο", "P": "Π", "R": "Ρ", "S": "Σ", "T": "Τ", "X": "Χ", "Y": "Υ", "Z": "Ζ", "F": "Φ", "G": "Γ", "J": "Ξ", "C": "Ψ", "V": "Ω", "U": "Θ", "a": "α", "b": "β", "d": "δ", "e": "ε", "h": "η", "i": "ι", "k": "κ", "l": "λ", "m": "μ", "n": "ν", "o": "ο", "p": "π", "r": "ρ", "s": "σ", "t": "τ", "x": "χ", "y": "υ", "z": "ζ", "f": "φ", "g": "γ", "j": "ξ", "c": "ψ", "v": "ω", "u": "θ" }; jQuery.keyboard.layouts['Greek-custom'] = { "lang": ["el"], // Greek "normal": [ "\\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ' ] {bksp}", "{tab} : w ε ρ τ υ θ ι ο π + }", "α σ δ φ γ η ξ κ λ \u0384 \u00A8 # {enter}", "{shift} < ζ χ ψ ω β ν μ , . - {shift}", "{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}" ], "shift": [ "| ! \" # $ % & / ( ) = ? [ {bksp}", "{tab} ; W Ε Ρ Τ Υ Θ Ι Ο Π + }", "Α Σ Δ Φ Γ Η Ξ Κ Λ \u00A8 \u0385 @ {enter}", "{shift} < Ζ Χ Ψ Ω Β Ν Μ ; : _ {shift}", "{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}" ], // latin characters "alt": [ "\\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ' ] {bksp}", "{tab} q w e r t y u i o p + }", "a s d f g h j k l \u0384 \u00A8 # {enter}", "{shift} < z x c v b n m , . - {shift}", "{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}" ], "alt-shift" : [ "| ! \" # $ % & / ( ) = ? [ {bksp}", "{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P * {", "A S D F G H J K L \u00A8 \u0385 @ {enter}", "{shift} > Z X C V B N M ; : _ {shift}", "{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}" ] }; $('#keyboard').keyboard({ layout: 'Greek-custom', beforeInsert: function(e, keyboard, el, textToAdd) { return keyboard.altActive ? // don't remap if alt is active textToAdd : // remap at all other times, but fallback // for un-remapped values remapGreek[textToAdd] || textToAdd; } }); });
beforeVisible - [Function]
- This callback function is executed immediately before the keyboard become visible.
- Add elements, position the keyboard, or do whatever you need inside this function.
beforeVisible : function(event, keyboard, el) {
.append('<a class="message">Show info</a>')
buildKey - [Function]
This function is called during the initial build of a keyboard layout. It is intended to allow you to modify the HTML of the key because any HTML inside the display
option is converted into text.
The extra values should be considered as read only as changing them will not effect the behavior of the key, unless the attributes of the $key
are modified.
In the
callback, both the keyboard object (see "Callback Variables" & "Callback Functions" sections below) and key specific data are provided:buildKey : function( keyboard, data ) { /* data = { // READ ONLY isAction : [boolean] true if key is an action key name : [string] key class name suffix ( prefix = 'ui-keyboard-' ); may include decimal ascii value of character value : [string] text inserted (non-action keys) title : [string] title attribute of key action : [string] keyaction name html : [string] HTML of the key; it includes a <span> wrapping a modified data.value // use to modify HTML $key : [object] jQuery selector of key which is already appended to keyboard } */ return data; }
Here is an example of how to use it:
buildKey : function( keyboard, data ) { if ( data.value === 'Cat Emotes' ) { // add break data.$key.html( 'Cat<br>Emotes' ); } return data; }
NOTE: The html must contain a span with the class name set in the $.keyboard.css.keyText
canceled - [Function]
- This callback function is executed only if the user cancels the keyboard changes:
- Using Esc
- Clicking outside the keyboard
- Clicking the cancel button.
- Closing the keyboard programmatically through close() method.
canceled : function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('changes canceled, value restored to ' + el.value);
change - [Function]
- The change callback function is called on every keyboard interaction no matter the setting of the
option. - This callback is not called if the accept or cancel button is used.
- Check the
value to determine if the change was triggered from the virtual (true
) or physical (false
) keyboard. - It is important to note these differences from the change events:
- The "change" event is never triggered on the preview (if
is true). - The "change" event is not triggered on the original input (not the preview) until after the content has been accepted or canceled.
- A "keyboardChange" event is triggered on the original input as the user interacts with the either the virtual or physical keyboard.
- To detect changes in the preview input, use the
callback to bind to the "input" event; but then only physical keyboard interactions are detected. - Try out this demo to better understand the differences.
- The "change" event is never triggered on the preview (if
// this demo: https://jsbin.com/bahejuy/edit?console,output
change: function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('> This change callback is called on every user interaction');
console.log(' A `keyboardChange` event was also triggered on the original input');
console.log(' The value is now ' + keyboard.$preview.val());
visible: function(event, keyboard, el) {
// the "change" event is not fired on the preview input, use "input" instead
keyboard.$preview.on('input', function() {
console.log('> User has used the physical keyboard to type in the preview');
console.log(' we don\'t know if the virtual keyboard was used');
keyboard.$el.on('keyboardChange', function(event) {
var updatedKeyboard = $(this).getkeyboard(),
input = updatedKeyboard.last.virtual ? 'virtual' : 'physical';
console.log('> The ' + input + ' keyboard was used');
hidden: function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('> The keyboard is now hidden');
console.log(' A `change` event was fired on the original input');
console.log(' The value is now ' + el.value);
hidden - [Function]
- This callback function is executed immediately before the keyboard become hidden.
- If the
, this callback is not used; the "inactive" event is triggered (there is no "inactive" callback function).
hidden : function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('keyboard is now hidden');
initialized - [Function]
- This callback function is executed after the keyboard has initialized.
- This function is executed before the keyboard becomes visible if
. - Do not use this function to add elements to the keyboard, use the
event/callback instead.
initialized : function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('keyboard plugin initialized');
restricted - [Function]
- This callback function is only executed when the
option istrue
and the user entered an invalid key on "keypress". - Pasting is not allowed when
is set therefore this function is not called. - This callback can be used to alert the user.
restricted : function(event, keyboard, el) {
// using http://ned.im/noty/
text: '"' + keyboard.last.key + '" is not a valid input'
switchInput - [Function]
- This function is only called when the
option istrue
and:- The "shift+enter" key is pressed; for input and textarea.
- Or, "enter" is pressed in an input only. In a textarea, a carriage return is added.
- The following code shows the default behavior of this function.
- It closes the current keyboard
- Finds all keyboards on the page and figures out the index of the current keyboard.
- Finds the next keyboard, if
or previous keyboard, ifgoToNext
. - If the next keyboard doesn't exist, go back to the first.
- Or, if the previous keyboard doesn't exist, it will go to the last.
- Give focus to the input that has a keyboard attached to open that keyboard.
// Go to next or prev inputs
// goToNext = true, then go to next input; if false go to previous
// isAccepted is from autoAccept option or true if user presses shift-enter
switchInput : function(keyboard, goToNext, isAccepted){
// close this keyboard
// find ALL inputs with a keyboard attached, but make sure we aren't
// targetting the preview window - it's a clone of the original input
var all = $('.ui-keyboard-input:not(.ui-keyboard-preview)'),
// find the index of the current keyboard, then go forward or backward one input
indx = all.index(keyboard.$el) + (goToNext ? 1 : -1);
// If we're on the last input, go back to the first (zero-based index)
if (indx > all.length - 1) { indx = 0; } // go to first input
// focus on the selected input; this opens the keyboard for that input;
// if indx is -1, all.eq(-1) will open the last keyboard
This callback was added to change the enter navigation behaviour. For example, if you don't care if a keyboard is attached to the input, then just change the following line to target all inputs (that are not the preview):
var all = $('input:not(.ui-keyboard-preview)'),
validate - [Function]
This function is unlike the other callbacks in that it is only a callback - there is no triggered event, so you can not use bind('validate')
because this function needs to return a flag of true or false to the plugin. This function is called at two points:
During user input
- But only if the [[
|Usability#acceptvalid]] option is true. - It will validate the content while the user is typing.
- If the function returns
because the content is valid, the accept button will have the class of "ui-keyboard-valid-input". - If the function returns
because the content is invalid the accept button will have the class of "ui-keyboard-invalid-input". - When adding your own validate function, make sure to use the
variable to determine if the check is during active input or before keyboard closing. See the example below.
- But only if the [[
Before the
event to check the validity of the content and abort or continue the keyboard closing.- The validity function is always run at this point, even if the
option isfalse
. - If the function returns true, the keyboard will continue on, accept the content and close (if not always open).
- If this function returns false and the keyboard will abort the close, but only if the
option istrue
- The validity function is always run at this point, even if the
This function is set by default to
function(keyboard, value, isClosing){ return true; }
. -
Any other actions can be performed or called from inside of this function. For example, if the value is invalid, and you wish to then clear the keyboard input, do the following:
validate: function(keyboard, value, isClosing){
// test value for an email address
var test = /^\s*[\w\-\+_]+(\.[\w\-\+_]+)*\@[\w\-\+_]+\.[\w\-\+_]+(\.[\w\-\+_]+)*\s*$/.test(value);
// if the value is invalid, alert the user
if (!test && isClosing) {
alert('please enter a valid email address');
// return valid test (true or false)
return test;
// modify accept keyaction to alert when content has been accepted
$.extend($.keyboard.keyaction, {
accept: function(base) {
if (base.accept()) {
This example shows how to add a signal/notification that the input is invalid
acceptValid : true,
validate : function(keyboard, value, isClosing) {
// only allow a 3-digit number
var valid = /^\d{3}$/g.test(value);
if (isClosing && valid) {
// *** closing and valid ***
return true;
} else if (isClosing && !valid) {
// *** closing and not valid ***
// add an indicator/popup here to tell the user the input is not valid
keyboard.$preview.addClass('red-border') // needs css: .red-border { border: #f00 1px solid; }
// remove indicator after 5 seconds
keyboard.$preview.removeClass('red-border'); // no more red border
}, 5000);
// fire off a canceled event
keyboard.$el.trigger('canceled', [ keyboard, keyboard.el ] );
return false;
// *** not closing ***
// continuous checking during input, so don't go nuts here
// accept button is enabled/disabled automatically if "acceptValid" is true
return valid;
visible - [Function]
- This callback function is executed after the keyboard has become visible.
- Use this function to:
- Add elements to the keyboard.
- Modify elements on the keyboard.
- Position the keyboard (if using jQuery UI Position Utility which requires the element to be visible)
- etcetera.
visible : function(event, keyboard, el) {
console.log('keyboard is now visible');
This is a list of variables and functions available during any of the above events and callback functions.
Note that if the variable has a $
in the name, then it is a jQuery object.
- original keyboard input object. -
- original keyboard input jQuery object; it's the same as doing$( keyboard.el )
. -
- This will point to the preview window input object, if the
option istrue
- It will point to
is false. - And it will be undefined if the keyboard is closed.
- This will point to the preview window input object, if the
- This will point to the preview window input jQuery object, if the
option istrue
- It will point to
is false. - And it will be undefined if the keyboard is closed.
- This will point to the preview window input jQuery object, if the
- jQuery object of the entire keyboard.
- This object will be an empty array if the keyboard is closed (use
to check).
- always get the current keyboard content using this method, if the keyboard is visible. -
- contains the text from the input/textarea before the keyboard opened. -
- access any of the options; try not to modify them from here as it may break the keyboard. -
- contains information about the last key pressed-
- caret start position. -
- caret end position. -
- jQuery object of the last key pressed (empty array if physical keyboard was used). -
- text of last key pressed (may not reflect accurately if mousewheel was used). -
value of the last physical key typed; set as an empty string for virtual keys. -
- previous preview input value. -
- last (current) preview input value. -
- last layout used by the keyboard (see #333). -
- array of keyset states for:[ shift, alt, meta ]
keys. -
- last keyboard event (eitherkeypress
). -
- time of last event, likely not the same as thekeyboard.last.event.timeStamp
value. In v1.22.0, this contains the time when the keyboard closed - useful if you want to prevent reopening the same keyboard when clicking an external link; see #333. -
- (boolean) iftrue
, the virtual keyboard caused the last (usually "change") event. Iffalse
, the physical keyboard caused the last event.
when the keyboard is visible;false
when hidden. -
- function returnstrue
when the keyboard is the current; Needed to figure out which one has focus when multiple keyboards are open (alwaysOpen: true
). -
when the shift key is active;false
when not active. -
when the alt key is active;false
when not active. -
when the meta key is no active, and contains the meta key name when it is active (e.g.meta99
) -
when the caps lock key is active;false
when not active. Please note that this particular value is not 100% reliable as it isn't possible to detect the actual state of this key. -
when the keyboard (all keys and preview) are enabled; set tofalse
then call thekeyboard.toggle()
function to disable the keyboard keys & input.
Many of these functions are NOT chainable; each entry will specify if it is or is not chainable.
See the Setup page for more examples on how to use the typing extension.
- Use
- Opens the keyboard.
- This function is chainable, e.g.
will work. Added in v1.19.0, to change the current layout, call this function with atrue
flag:- Removed
flag in v1.25.22. Useredraw()
Extracted the code from
in v1.25.22 to change the current layout. -
In v1.26.8, pass the
function a new layout name. -
Removes previous keyboard & rebuilds it after you change the layout.
This function is chainable.
keyboard.options.layout = 'french-azerty-1'; keyboard.redraw();
In v1.26.8, the above code can now be combined to make chaining easier
- Use
- This function will accept the keyboard contents, then close the keyboard.
- This function is not chainable.
- Use
- This function will reject the keyboard contents, then close the keyboard.
- This function is not chainable.
- Use
- This function will insert text into the keyboard at the current caret position.
- If you want to backspace, then use "\b" and nothing else to remove the character to the left of the current caret position.
- This function is chainable as of v1.26.8.
In v1.26.8, a new function was added to allow chaining:
- Use
keyboard.caret(param1, param2)
. - This
function is chainable. - Use it in a chain as follows:
. This method *will require setting theinitialFocus
option tofalse
to prevent issues with the caret position. - This helper function calls the
function described below. - The
required by the$.keyboard.caret()
function is assumed to be thekeyboard.$preview
; which is automatically set to be the same askeyboard.$el
when theusePreview
option isfalse
. - The
are the exact same parameters to be used by the$.keyboard.caret()
function. See below for more details.
- Use
This core method does not use the
object, but instead requires calling an internal function. -
$.keyboard.caret(input, param1, param2);
. -
function is not chainable. -
Nothing will happen if the input is hidden.
The first parameter must be the jQuery object of the input to target. Use the keyboard object shortcuts if available:
var kb = $('#keyboard').getkeyboard();
// target the preview (equivalent to kb.$el when usePreview is false)
// set the text selection of characters 3 through 5.
$.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, 2, 5);
// or in v1.26.8+ use
kb.caret(2, 5);
- This parameter is only used if a numeric caret end value is set to enable text selection. Otherwise, the value is copied from
so the text selection end matches the start.
- This parameter is only used if a numeric caret end value is set to enable text selection. Otherwise, the value is copied from
Set only
to the start & end numeric value of the caret position:// set caret start & end after second character $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, 2);
Set only
to the a string value of"start"
to set the caret before the first character:// equivalent to $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, 0); $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, 'start');
Set only
to the a string value of"end"
to set the caret after the last character:// equivalent to $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, kb.$preview.val().length); // any string passed to this function, other than "start" will set the // caret to the end. $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, 'end');
Set only
as an object containing bothstart
values:// get caret start & end after second character $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview, { start: 2, end: 5 });
If no parameters are passed, an object containing information and special functions is returned:
var caret = $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview); /* returned object = { // caret starting position start: 0, // caret ending position end: 0, // the selected text; is an empty string if start & end are the same text: "", // replace string function. The selected text is replaced by the // value in the "str" parameter replaceStr: function(str) {} } */
- Use
- This function will check the current keyboard contents for letter combinations and convert them (e.g. ~ + o becomes õ).
- This function is not chainable as it returns the modified input value.
- Use
- This function will check the length of the current keyboard contents and remove any excess.
- Nothing will happen if the
option isfalse
. - This function is chainable.
- This method was added in v1.26.9.
- Use
to get the current keyset. - The returned value will be a string containing the current keyset.
- Keyset names are always returned in alphabetical order and include
and the namedmeta
keyset; or any combination of the three. - Example values:
. - This method will return the current keyset, even if the keyboard is closed.
- This function is not chainable.
This method was simplified in v1.23.2.
The "meta" variable is needed to tell the function which keyset(s) to show. The order of the keyset names does not matter.
This function is chainable.
See the examples below:
Example: show shift key set
Example: show alt+shift key set
Example: show meta2 shifted key set
Example: return to normal (default) key set
More details can be found on the Usage page about the meta
key naming changes in v1.26.8.
- This method was added in v1.26.20.
- Use
- This function will reposition the keyboard, but only when all of the following conditions are met:
- The jQuery UI position utility is loaded.
- The [[
|Layout#position]] option is not set tofalse
. - The keyboard is visible.
- This function is chainable.
- Use
- This function sets the keyboard state to match the
state; whenfalse
, all keys (except the toggle key) & input are disabled. - Add a
button to your layout to allow the user to change this state. - This function is chainable.
This function completely removes the keyboard and events from the input.
This function is not chainable.
This function is needed if you plan to change the keyboard layout when using the same input. See the layout demo.
keyboard = $('#keyboard').keyboard().getkeyboard(); keyboard.destroy();
Home | FAQ | Setup | Usage | Options | Methods | Contenteditable | Theme | Log
Options: Layout | Language | Usability | Actions
Extensions: AltKeysPopup | Autocomplete | Caret | Extender | Mobile | Navigation | PreviewKeySet | Scramble | Typing