Dynamo Testwork
This is a test work for Dynamo.
Develop an application that allows a user to:
- see the list of past SpaceX launches (mission_name and the date part of launch_date_utc) with pagination.
- select a launch from the list and view a small amount of information about the launch, including an embedded video (links/video_link).
You can find the API documentation here: https://docs.spacexdata.com/#fce450d6-e064-499a-b88d-34cc22991bcc
● Use Kotlin
● Use MVVM or MVI architecture
● Use Android architecture components
● Use Dependency Injection
● Handle corner cases (configuration changes, errors, no internet, etc)
● Write meaningful unit test for the business logic
● Design your UI with a material design mindset
● Add documentation when needed
The application should make use of the REST API. However, it should not simply fetch all the data once, rather ensure that the app displays fresh data, so that it is always up-to-date as long as there is a data connection. Although it’s a simple project, please treat the task as you would a real app, so that the true quality of your work is reflected in what you submit for us to review.
Before starting the task, please estimate the time you think it will take from you and while doing it, log your time. After finishing the task compare the estimation with the actual time that it took from you and reflect. Please share your thoughts with us as well!