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apiplate a py connexion openapi boilerplate
I want to use apiplate
as a testbed for learning python development and
asking the community questions with solid examples.
This was a attempt to do [2017-09-29] Challenge #333 [Hard] Build a Web API-driven Data Site. Using python with the api powered by connexion, swagger-ui (backbonejs) and reclinejs for building data applications(backbonejs).
I got bored and started to play around with pip
packages and different ideas
I have for web boilerplate.
This is a wip and pet project; and I am aware I need to look into Flask Blueprints!
virtualenv -p python3 venv # might need to install it with `pip install virtualenv` first.
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt # does a -e . and we did not pin any version in a attempt to use latest and greatest so code might break.
ln -s apiplate/config.py.example apiplate/config.py
export FLASK_APP=apiplate
This is a wip and pet project, exploring the following tech:
- OpenAPI/Swagger
- Flask/Connexion
- Celery
- Google Closure Compiler
- Swagger UI v2
- Reclinejs
- Slickgrid
- Backbone
- RabbitMQ
- SQLLite3
Our python virtualenv site-packages weigh in at 42 MB.
Q: It is 2017 Why backbone, $, _, and friends?
And not react/redux, angular2,
vue.js, mithril, closure library, ember, or <your fav js lib here>
A: Because I like and want to use slickgrid and it depends on $. Swagger-UI v2 and Recline uses backbonejs. So just adding another library to manage js does not seem optimal. And a goal is to use google closure compiler to get the js to an acceptable minified size(atm 250kb for demo app with libs).
While this steps is not needed anymore if you followed Install and run
but I'm leaving here as a demo how this boilerplate got setup initially.
mkdir $PRJ_DIR
virtualenv -p python3 venv # might need to install it with `pip install virtualenv` first.
source venv/bin/activate
pip install connexion
pip freeze > requirements.txt
wget https://github.com/mattfullerton/recline-view-multiview-demo/archive/gh-pages.zip
unzip gh-pages.zip
mv recline-view-multiview-demo-gh-pages static
cd static
python -m http.server 8081
mkdir apispec
vim apispec/halfabeast.yaml # https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/examples/v2.0/yaml/petstore.yaml
vim __init__.py # https://github.com/zalando/connexion#running-it
python __init__.py
Now a restful swagger api web app is running at:
and reclinejs data explorer web app running at:
Next step will be to change the multiview explorer example code to use our swagger-api.