Data Augmentation of Multi-coil MRI Data
This is the implementation code for the paper 'MAGnitude-Image-to-Complex K-space (MAGIC-K) Net: A Data Augmentation Network for Image Reconstruction'. If you used the code here, please use the citation: Wang F, Zhang H, Dai F, Chen W, Wang C, Wang H. MAGnitude-Image-to-Complex K-space (MAGIC-K) Net: A Data Augmentation Network for Image Reconstruction. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Oct 19;11(10):1935. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11101935. PMID: 34679632; PMCID: PMC8534839.
Dataset: Source: 1 subject with DWI of multi-coil k-space data + T1 Dicom Target: N T1 Dicoms
Pre-requisite: python3: tensorflow 2.0, tensorflow-keras matlab: spm12(co-registeration and dartel), NIFTI package
Deformation and Intensity Flow Field Learning: Thanks to brainstrom:, use the T1 source as atlas and N T1 as the targets. Remember to co-register them first!
Field Applying:
- Data Preprocess Seperate the DWI multi-coil data into sensitivity maps(csm) and coil-combined image, seperate them into magnitude and phase
- Intensity Flow Field Applying Apply the intensity flow-field on the magintude of DWI,get N targets with the same deformation but different intensities from N targets.
- Deformation Flow Field Applying Apply the deformation flow field onto different intensities, hence you got NxN subjects with different local intensities and deformations.
- Data Combine Combine the magnitude and phase into multi-coil k-space data.
The implementation of the pipeline is quite complicated. Please follow the procedures below:
- Create the source with different intensities but the same deformation
- MakeColorMS2NII.m: Make the Mcolor.mat into NIIs for the spatial deformation using DARTEL.
- CoMS2NII3DARTEL.m: Change orientation of the T1 the same as DWI. (unnecessary if you have the same orientations)
- MSRawData2NII.m: Create the phase, csm-mag and csm-phase into NII as the DWI.
- MainOnline.m: Here we use DARTEL for the spatial deformation. Of cource you can use the one in the brainstorm, but we found this a better performance.
- SpatialDeformOnline.m: For the phase of the DWI, csm-mag and csm-phase, first apply the deformation field on them.
- IntensityCrossDeformation.m: For the magnitude of DWI, apply the deformation flow fields on the source with N different intensities to do the cross augmentation.
- CrossNII2Complex.m: Combine the NXN data to create the multi-coil k-space data.