Releases: Mistral-war2ru/War2Streaming
Releases · Mistral-war2ru/War2Streaming
last 05.04.2024
removed change names in status and description, probabaly was causing crash
changed names convert to bytes probably fixed lang crash
last 22.02.2024
add restream bot support for u8
add option to save names list in file
last 22.07.2023
fixed bug draw name behind map border
fixed cursed previous release had old version plugin
last 24.06.2023
added ability to choose units to draw names on them
last 22.12.2022
fixed crash when no place to spawn unit from building tried add name to empty unit
last 20.12.2022
last 20.12.2022
added commands usage from game
added color change for names
last 18.12.2022
move plugin to war2 plugins folder
last 18.12.2022