Chat service is a simple micro service that offers an API for a customer support chat to
- start chat sessions
- send messages to chat sessions
- retrieve chat sessions
The main dependencies of the project are:
- Poetry for dependency management.
- Quart, an async web micro framework whose API is mostly consistent with flask.
- Pydantic for data validation and for documenting response models.
- SQLAlchemy with its ORM functionality.
- Alembic for database migrations
- Typed-Settings for structured configuration through TOML files.
- Pytest for testing.
graph TD
Client[Client] -->|HTTP Request| QuartApp[Quart Application]
subgraph Docker Container
Config[Configuration] -.-> QuartApp
QuartApp -->|Routes| Routes[Routes]
Routes -->|Service Layer| Services[Services]
Services -->|ORM| Models[SQLAlchemy Models]
Models -->|SQL| DB[(SQLite/Postgres DB)]
QuartApp -->|Response| Client
Alembic[Alembic Migrations] -.-> DB
This a loose sequence diagram to capture the data flow in the application.
actor Client
participant Routes
participant Services
participant Models
participant DB
Client->>Routes: POST /sessions/{session_id}/messages
Routes->>Services: add_message_to_session()
Services->>Models: create_message()
Models->>DB: Insert new message
DB-->>Models: Confirm insertion
Models-->>Services: Return new message
Services-->>Routes: Return updated session
Routes-->>Client: Return ChatSessionResponse
DATETIME timestamp
STRING content
ENUM author_type
UUID session_id
├── # Project documentation and overview
├──pyproject.toml # Project metadata and dependencies
├── poetry.lock # Poetry dependency lock file
├── Dockerfile # Instructions for building the Docker image
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration for local deployment
├── chat_service # Main application package
│ ├──
│ ├── # Main application setup and configuration
│ ├── # ASGI entry point for the application
│ ├── # Configuration loading and management
│ ├── model # Data models subpackage
│ │ ├── # Model package initializer (initializing the db engine)
│ │ └── # Chat-related data models
│ ├── # API route definitions
│ ├── # Shared data types
│ ├── # Business logic and service layer for interacting with the data model
│ ├── test # Test package
│ │ ├── # Test package initializer
│ │ └── # Tests for API routes
│ └── # Data transfer objects and API models
├── config # Configuration directory
│ └── config.toml # TOML configuration file
├── alembic.ini # Configuration file for Alembic (database migration tool)
├── migrations # Database migration scripts
│ ├── # Alembic environment configuration
│ ├── # Alembic migration script template
│ └── versions # Migration version scripts
└── # Initial migration script
This project uses poetry. You can install all dependencies by running
poetry install
The project contains a couple of unit tests. Once all dependencies have been installed, you can run them using pytest:
poetry run pytest
This project is formatted using black
and isort
. It is linted using flake8
and type checked using mypy
In the project, there is a dockerfile and a docker-compose file provided. You can use it to run the service locally:
docker-compose up --build
This should spin up a postgres database, run the migrations and then start an instance of the service on port 8080.
You can check success by going to localhost:8080/health.
Once the service is up and running, you should be able to access the Swagger docs for the API under localhost:8080/docs. This will also give you a UI to interact with the different endpoints:
- You can call the
POST /sessions
endpoint to create a new chat session. The response will provide you with anid
of the session. - You can use this id as a
in thePOST /sessions/{session_id}/messages
endpoint to send a message to the chat. - You can also use this id as a
in theGET /sessions/{session_id}
endpoint to retrieve the whole session with all messages.
This project serves as a basic implementation of a chat service backend. While functional, it has several limitations that would need to be addressed for a production-ready system:
Current Limitations:
- Lack of Authentication: The API is currently unprotected, making it unsuitable for public access.
- Minimal User Management: The system only distinguishes between customer and service agent message authors, without proper user roles or permissions.
- Limited Testing: The test suite consists of basic end-to-end tests and requires expansion for more comprehensive coverage.
- Simplified Data Model: The current model uses a single
table, which may not suffice for complex real-world scenarios.
Potential Enhancements:
User Management and Authentication:
- Implement a separate user management service
- Add authentication with claims-based permissions and TTL
Real-time Communication:
- Replace polling with WebSockets for instant updates
- Implement shared models between frontend and backend
Architecture Improvements:
- Refactor to a clear three-layer architecture (presentation, business logic, data access)
- Create domain objects independent of views for flexibility
Enhanced Session Management:
- Implement a dedicated session table for metadata and analytics
- Track session outcomes, duration, and participant details
- Support agent assignment and role-based escalation
AI Integration:
- Explore LLM integration for intelligent responses
- Design fallback mechanisms for quick human escalation
Advanced Features:
- Develop a sophisticated agent assignment system
- Implement Single Sign-On (SSO) using OIDC for service agents
These enhancements would significantly improve the system's functionality, scalability, and real-world applicability.