I have written an ASP.Net Web API to simulate the game of Match!.
This can be downloaded here (The SDK as opposed to just the runtime will install the cli used in steps below).
Once you have cloned the project, navigate to the root folder in a terminal or powershell window and follow the below steps to build, run the tests and run the application.
dotnet build
dotnet test
dotnet run --project PokemonApi
Swagger should be running at http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html.
The 2 available endpoints are:
The application can also be run using docker by following the below instructions. (Please install docker if it is not already). Under the root folder run:
docker build -t pokemon/api:1.0 .
docker run -d -p 5000:80 pokemon/api:1.0
- Changing the return type to include metadata to provide information about the result such as the status, any errors (if present) and the content of the response. Curently if a search is not found it returns an empty 204 response which doesn't give a developer much feedback.
- HTTPS support.
- The API is open so some sort of Authorisation would be needed for production.
- The logging implementation is quite basic and could be extended to povide more insights on usage/performance.
- There is very little exception management. It would be good to push exceptions to Sentry/Exceptionless/similar to be able to manage and monitor these in a single place.
- There could be rate limiting as per the Translation API to help govern usage.
- Similarly the api could benefit from caching either server side or through a CDN.
- For the production environment there would be multiple instaces of the container that will be load balanced to add resilience and enable a rolling deployment strategy.
- To support deployments and monitoring, a healthcheck endpoint should be added to provide feedback about whether the api is up and running and if it's dependancies are available.