- Dias Muratbayev (180100012)- Backend Developer (GitHub account: Gunbooldre)
- Miras Kemelkhan (180100013) - Frontend Developer (GitHub account: kemelkhan)
- Farkhat Imanalinov (180100013) - Frontend Developer (GitHub account: jackychan)
- Zakirov Alisher (180100013) - Backend Developer (GitHub account: Merphiles)
- Jacky Chan (180100013) - Frontend Developer (GitHub account: jackychan) =======
- Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
- Javascript (React & Testing)
- Ethers (Blockchain Interaction)
- Hardhat (Development Framework)
- Ipfs (Metadata storage)
- React routers (Navigational components)
$ cd nft_marketplace
$ npm install
$ cd nft_marketplace
$ npx hardhat node
- Copy private key of the addresses and import to Metamask
- Connect your metamask to hardhat blockchain, network
- If you have not added hardhat to the list of networks on your metamask, open up a browser, click the fox icon, then click the top center dropdown button that lists all the available networks then click add networks. A form should pop up. For the "Network Name" field enter "Hardhat". For the "New RPC URL" field enter "". For the chain ID enter "31337". Then click save.
npx hardhat run src/backend/scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
$ npx hardhat test
$ npm run start