Version: v3.3
Version: v3.3
- Added $wm_full variable to redirect full DE/WM into local .profile
- Added short-circuit logical operators at start of setup and posixsdm to avoid duplicate code
- Adjusted formatting of posixsdm and the setup script slightly for better readability
- Call the runner() function with $runwm directly to reduce or simplify checks
- Changed all non-environment variables to be spelled in snake_case
- Changed while-true statements to contain colons (POSIX shell built-in) instead of "true" (potentially GNU coreutils)
- Fixed a small formatting and printing error in a printf call
- Fixed issues related to quoting of several variables
- Improved general formatting
- Changed switch statements to not use X as exit choice; use E instead (X is already used for Xorg options)
- Merge wrun() and xrun() to a singular, renamed function
- Merge wsetup() and xsetup() to a singular, renamed function
- Only set $wcheck and $wcheck variables when they aren't non-zero
- Pipe setup script's $runwm grep call into head with -n1 delimiter
- Removed "entered exit prompt" printf line
- Removed $title variable; manual naming saves space and is more efficient as of now
- Removed ability to use globbing in posixsdm to start DEs/WMs (can be done more elegantly via setup)
- Removed double checks in the setup script
- Removed redundant "-n" parameters for head calls
- Removed setup checks at start of script in favor of calling functions manually
- Removed superficial mention of the GPL license in the setup script
- Removed unnecessary comments
- Removed unnecessary creations of variables when command substitutions are possible to make use of
- Replaced $WM with $wm_input
- Replaced $env variable with $desk_env to avoid confusion and potential environment conflicts
- Replaced multiple function names with partially capitalized names for readability
- Updated README to include a new "Additional notes" section and debugging parameters information
- Use an underscore instead of az for read input prompt as dummy variable